
116: Accounting II]

116: Accounting II]

Unit 7 [116: Accounting II] 1 Final Assignment You need to get started on this team Assignment as soon as possible to ensure its completion by Unit 7. Do not delay! You are able to see your group in the Team Discussion Area located after Unit 10 in the left side of the classroom. This team area should be the main workspace for team activities and only the members of your team will be able to access the information contained there. This team Assignment will help you better understand specific accounting information that companies provide to the Securities and Exchange Commission as well as the information that investors review before making their investment decisions. For this team Assignment, your group needs to obtain the most recent annual report of a United States corporation. The group must obtain instructor approval on your company choice. The Final Annual Report file is located in the Doc Sharing. You may use your textbook and outside sources to complete this team Assignment. The paper should address all the questions listed in the Final Annual Report file. All sources should be referenced as well as cited within your Assignment. Check for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. Citations should use APA style. Make sure your document includes: • Your team member’s names • Date • Course name and section number • Unit number • Assignment name • Page numbers Directions for Submitting your Team Assignment Compose your team Assignment in a Word document using the provided template and save it as Username AC116 Unit 7 Team Assignment (Example: JSmith – AC116 Unit 7 Team Assignment.docx). Submit your file to the Final: Team Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 7. Unit 7 [116: Accounting II] 2 Complete your Team Peer Evaluation You will assess your team members and they will assess you using the peer evaluation form. The professor will not share your peer evaluation feedback with others; you may choose to ask teammates to share their perceptions with you, so you can improve your team contribution. Directions for Submitting your Team Peer Evaluation Submit your completed Team Peer Evaluation Form using the provided template and save it as Username AC116 Unit 7 Team Peer Evaluation (Example: JSmith – AC116 Unit 7 Team Peer Evaluation.docx. Submit your file to the Final: Peer Evaluation Dropbox by the end of Unit 7. Grading Rubric Unit 7 – Final Annual Report Assignments to be evaluated Points Earned Possible Points ARP 1 Obtaining the Annual Report – Obtained the most recent annual reports of two U.S. companies and has chosen one to continue working on for the project. 10 ARP 2 Company Information – Answered the questions and provided an article about the company. 10 ARP 3 Overview of the Annual Report – Completed the required information in the Overview of the Annual Report Project. 20 ARP 4 The Balance Sheet – Analyzed the balance sheet, provided the required ratios, prepared common-size balance sheets (Excel file) and answered information for decision making. 20 ARP 5 The Income Statement – Analyzed the income statement, provided the required ratios, prepared common-size balance sheets (Excel file) and answered information for decision making. 20 Total Points Earned 80 Grade/Percentage Earned 100%

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