Access Information on Event Operations
Order Description
There are four parts to this assignment which are linked and are all scenario based
Part 1 is a report minimum 800 words – Choose an existing major current event that is held in Australia e.g Melbourne Cup, Easter Show, Footy Grand Final ETC.
Parts 2, 3 and 4 are all short answer questions
Access Information on Event Operations
Project 1
Project Instructions
• Read the following information to clearly understand what is required throughout each of the four parts of the project.
You have just landed work experience at an event company called ‘Admiration Events’. They are an exciting company that is known for being talented, skilled and exceeding standards and expectations in the event industry.
A major tender is coming up for the company and they know that you have been studying the unit “Access information on Event Operations”. You have been asked to help the Event Assistant; they want to put your new skills into action by getting you to research and present information to them on a major event that has previously been held in Australia.
With this research they want you to showcase your communication skills and provide information on what has been done in the industry beforehand and how they can learn from it and improve upon it.
Having this information, they believe, will help them by keeping them a cut above the competition in securing the tender.
Research and Source Information for the Event Industry
Choose an existing major current event that is held in Australia and write a report (minimum 800 words) on the following aspects:
1. What is the name of the event that you have chosen and describe the type of event is it?
2. What do you observe as the key purpose or function of the event?
3. Research the format and elements of the event and describe them.
4. What are the characteristics of attendees of the event? Is there a particular age group, gender or demographic indication of the type of attendees?
5. As major events utilize a large number of products and services, identify the staging products or services they currently use?
6. Who or which businesses do the events have a relationship with?
7. Does the event have information regarding careers at the event, and what are they?
8. Can you identify the stakeholders in the event? And if so, who are they?
9. To gain more information about the event we can use active listening and open and closed questioning. Can you identify a person, business or company from whom to obtain information for the following using the methods described:
• A supplier to your event
• A person/position/colleague that you could approach to ask, that currently works at the event
• Industry bodies in relation to the event
• Experienced industry personnel
While working in the event industry requires standards that need to be maintained, laws specifically relevant to the event industry are designed to ensure that these standards are being met.
As part of your research into your event, you are required to investigate any laws that are to be adhered to, as this can impact the tender and the company.
Research and report on:
1. Which laws are of relevance to the event that you have chosen?
2. What quality assurance schemes are of value to the event?
3. What do you see as the benefits of this event participating in these schemes?
4. What would be the impact if the event company was found to be non-compliant with their event?
5. Are there any trade unions in association with this event?
6. For the event chosen, which Equal Employment Opportunity laws are in place for the state of your event?
7. Which consumer protection rights are in place regarding, refunds, cancellations and terms of condition of quotations?
8. What are the roles and responsibility of staff members to ensure quality assurance?
Environmental and Social Sustainability
The impact of events is of increasing concern on the environment. These issues must be considered when planning and running an event to limit the environmental and social footprint left after any event. We all have a role to play in minimising these effects and are encouraged to make sustainable choices when running an event, conference or any type of event that will have an impact no matter how big or small on the environment.
The International Organization for Standardization ISO 20121 provides a guide on Event Sustainability Management Systems.
1. Go to: ; read through the information and provide a description of what the ISO guide entails.
After reading the information on ISO guide and other environmental sites found on your online learning platform, look into your event and research the following information:
2. Firstly investigate and describe if there are any state, territory, commonwealth or local council laws specifically relevant for your chosen event including key laws, ethical issues?
Provide information in regards to the following:
Environmental protection requirements:
• Minimal impact operations
• Protection of natural and cultural integrity and
• Waste management
Local community protection:
• Land ownership
• Requirements for management
• Maintaining the lifestyle of neighbouring residents
a) What Environmental and Social Sustainability management is in place at your event?
b) Can you locate information on what are the roles and responsibilities of different event organisations including event management companies, event venues and sites regarding environmental sustainability?
c) Does your event have a green checklist that they apply to their services or providers at the event for environmental and social sustainability?
d) What environmental sustainability recommendations could you make after researching your event?
Access and interpret relevant industry information on events and technology
As you have been asked to research information regarding an event for a tender, Technology also plays an important role in the event industry. It can help you to be a leader in the field, utilizing an array of technological advances that can wow an audience to creating the perfect ambiance.
You are now required to research technology that is used at your event and communicate to the ‘Admiration Events’ team the recommendations that could win them the tender!
Answer the following:
a) For your event, what technology do they currently use?
b) Is there new and improved technology that could be suggested to be used in your day to day work activities or help coordinate events?
c) What sources of information did you use to research this event?
d) What information did you find particularly specific to the event chosen?
e) How would you prepare this information with the ‘event coordinator’ and present it to your colleagues and manager at ‘Admiration Events’?
f) Now that you have researched an event, put the steps of the stages of event management in order from concept development through to the final stage in terms of this subject:
Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5
STEPS: Access information on event operations:
Keep knowledge current and up to date
Collate and analyse the information
Interpret and summarize the information
Identify and gather sources of information on products and services for your event
Present results of research
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