
Acting as business investment advisors, produce and submit a ‘FACT SHEET’

Acting as business investment advisors, produce and submit a ‘FACT SHEET’

TASK 1 (weighting 20% of the assignment)
Acting as business investment advisors, produce and submit a ‘FACT SHEET’, addressed to existing and prospective investors and designed to give information and answer possible questions on the business performance of the chosen plc. as at the end of April 2015.
?    (Guidance: At a minimum, the ‘fact sheet’, should contain information on: a brief history of the plc.;  the company’s services and market(s); the major shareholders and the current management team; how the company is financed; the company’s financial performance over the last two years; the company’s recent stock market performance. You are encouraged to add further categories of information).

?    The entire fact sheet must not exceed 1,000 words. This includes any appendices or extra information that is attached to the fact sheet.

Assessment Criteria – Task 1

Presentation: (No format is prescribed other than that the factsheet must be appropriate to your audience. You are encouraged to be creative in presenting your material).

Assessment Criteria – Task 1
?    Depth of research and the scope and appropriateness of material included in the fact sheet. (LO2)
?    Overall depth of knowledge and understanding of business information in terms of investor needs. (LO2)

TASK 2 (weighting 80% of the assignment)
Acting as business consultants, produce and submit a BUSINESS REPORT addressed to the CEO and the Board of your chosen plc. that addresses the topic:
The impact that factors in the current business environment are likely to have on the company’s prospects over the later half of 2015 and into 2016.

?     (Guidance: At a minimum, the report should include a detailed PEST analysis with each category of developments and issues, both nationally and internationally, fully explored and supported by the group’s in-course progressive research; a SWOT analysis; and a discussion of future prospects. The discussion must integrate theoretical analysis with the company’s actual position as drawn from the information presented in response to Task 1 above).

?    The report must include an executive summary and a bibliography.  The report, excluding the bibliography but including any appendices or extra information that is attached, must not exceed 3,000 words

Assessment Criteria – Task 2
Presentation: (You must use a business report format as recommended in study skills module SM102U in semester 1)

?    Understanding of political and economic concepts that underlie theoretical models demonstrated through:
Application to analysing the current situation
Extent to which the material is appropriate (LOs 1 to 4)
?    Understanding of theoretical models through integration of analysis, (LOs 1 to 4)
?    Depth of knowledge and understanding of the business environment and its impact, as displayed through the report’s content and conclusions. (LOs 1 to 4).

Assignment Submission
Both the fact sheet and the report (to which appropriate coversheets clearly listing the names of all group members must be attached) should be submitted through Turnitin in student central no later than 11:00 am. on Thursday 21 May, 2015.

ALL members of the group are equally responsible for meeting the all the requirements of both submission formats and each group is advised to agree on suitable submission arrangements amongst themselves as soon as possible.

The University’s GEA regulations apply in their entirety to the completion, submission and assessment of this assignment and your attention is specifically drawn to regulations relating to late submission and plagiarism.

Note: in accordance with the University’s GEA regulations only designated COURSE LEADERS, the PROGRAMME LEADER or the HEAD of SCHOOL may grant extensions to assignment submission deadlines.   Moreover, GEA regulations limit the type of reasons for which extensions may be granted.

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