
AMN404 Readings in IMC/Assignment 2 – Literature table

AMN404 Readings in IMC/Assignment 2 – Literature table

You are required to produce a table of a selection of the key journal articles that you have now located that contribute to your chosen topic and help to address your statement of benefit identified in Assignment 1. No textbooks or conference papers.

No abstract, introduction, discussion or summary sections are required. However, you do need to re-state (or refine) your managerial / academic statement of benefit at the top of the table.  An example of the table format is attached, where you will see the key headings for each journal article – these are:
•    Author(s) and year of publication
•    Is the journal article: i) conceptual, ii) empirical (quantitative), iii) empirical (qualitative), iv) a case study, or v) an industry report
•    Research design (how was research conducted)
•    Research Focus/brief indication of key variables tested
•    Key findings or outcomes (in results section of paper)
•    Brief statement of how the article addresses your managerial / academic statement of benefit.

As a guideline you should allocate 25-40 words per journal article used in the table. Usually this table examines around 8 – 10 journal articles (which should extend your pre-reading from assignment 1), and ideally they should be key articles that really support the topic that you have selected to do. Use the example table provided, so that you can provide the necessary information in a suitable column format (landscape format).  Use single line spacing also so that you dont get masses of pages in the assignment.

Reference List (portrait format – can set up a separate attachment to the assignment): Provide a reference list of the articles cited in the table using Harvard or APA referencing. Use portrait format so that reference list is easy to read.

enclose a copy of the marking criteria with your assignment (do not staple it to your assignment).

Feedback procedure
The supervisor will provide feedback on the first assessment item for a clear direction of the final review.  The supervisor may provide verbal feedback and advice on the progress of the final review report for its improvement but will NOT make any correction on the draft report.

See additional information on next page regarding academic policy.

Academic Honesty
QUT expects students to act honestly in assessments. The issue of plagiarism or academic misconduct is taken seriously and students are reminded to ensure that assessments submitted represent their own work.

ensure that you sign the academic honesty statement on the Assignment Minder coversheet. For more information consult the QUT Academic Integrity Kit and QUT Library Resources for avoiding plagiarism.

Updated Late submission policy

Late submission policy; Assessment submitted after the due date without an approved extension will not be marked and will receive a grade of 1 or 0%.
If special circumstances prevent you from meeting the assessment due date, you can apply for an extension.
If you don’t have an approved extension you should submit the work you have completed by the due date and it will be marked against the assessment criteria.

AMN404 Readings in IMC – Example of literature table

Restate your managerial or academic statement of benefit here. (Particularly important if you did not get your statement sufficiently well developed in the proposal. Also helps marker to recall the area of your Literature review)
Type of study (qual, quant, conceptual, case study)    Research Design    Research Focus and/or key variables tested /     Key Findings or outcomes
James, George and Smith (1988)

Telephone survey of health professionals and the four age cohorts of the public in United States (n = 750)

What drives organ donation. Commitment to, and attitudes about organ donation among five groups.
?    Commitment and attitudes are key drivers to donate.
?    Health professionals support organ donation more than public.
Put in a clear, brief statement about how this selected article contributes to addressing managerial or academic statement of benefit.
Tsai, Juno, Ekbin and Ellis


In-depth interviews of Nurses in Kentucky, US (n=30).

How do nurses understand the need for organ donation and their attitudes to organ donation protocol.      * Knowledge of need for donations, knowledge of procedures for harvesting organs, religious beliefs, compassion were found to be important aspects that underpin favourable attitudes to organ donation.

Put in a clear, brief statement about how this selected article contributes to addressing managerial or academic statement of benefit.
Jones, deCosta and Richards (2011)    Conceptual    Review of marketing literature on perceived risk between 1995 and 2010    Primary focus on empirical studies that identify variables of use to marketing practitioners.    Review suggests that perceived risk can be categories as either objective or subjective by consumers, with specific concepts or constructs proving to be more relevant for each classification. A conceptual model for each classification is proposed and propositions offered for future research.
Put in a clear, brief statement about how this selected article contributes to addressing managerial or academic statement of benefit.
Agarwal (2013)    Case Study    Qualitative research with marketing managers in Chile (n=10)
Quantitative research on employees in Chilean Market Research companies. (N=220)    Etc etc     Etc etc
Put in a clear, brief statement about how this selected article contributes to addressing managerial or academic statement of benefit.
* These are hypothetical papers and offered as examples only.

AMN404 Readings in IMC                             Assessment 2 – Marking criteria

7    6    5    4    3    2-1
(100% – 85%)     (84% – 75%)     (74% – 65%)     (64% – 50%)         (46% – 24% -0%)

MARK (40)    40 – 34    33.5- 30    29.5 – 26    25.5 – 20        19 – 0

Scope of the literature in table    Evidence of an extended review of academic literature relevant to your managerial or academic statement of benefit, through inclusion of some key papers or major authors and contributions to the topic area.     You provide am extended and broad review of relevant academic literature, through inclusion of some key papers or major authors and contributions to the topic area.    While some key authors and contributions are included, the review does not demonstrate evidence of extended reading about issues on the topic.     While a few key authors and contributions are included, the review does not demonstrate evidence of extended reading on your selected topic. The focus of the literature may be either too broad or too narrow.        You fail to demonstrate a review of relevant literature. Or your literature does not extend our reading beyond the article provided in the proposal.
MARK (40)    40 – 34    33.5- 30    29.5 – 26    25.5 – 20        19 – 0

Demonstrated understanding
of key aspects of the article     Demonstrates very good understanding of the key aspects of the articles included in the table. Has a clear understanding of how the article addresses the managerial or academic statement of benefit    Demonstrates good understanding of the key aspects of the article required in the table. Has a good understanding of how the article addresses managerial or academic statement of benefit    Demonstrates satisfactory understanding of most of the key aspects of the article required in the table. Has some understanding of how the article addresses the managerial or academic statement of benefit     Demonstrates understanding of some of the key aspects of the article required in the table. Shows basic understanding of how the article addresses the managerial or academic statement of benefit        You fail to understand the key aspects of the article required in the table. Shows limited or no understanding of how the article addresses managerial or academic statement of benefit.
MARK (20)    20 – 17    16.5 – 15    14.5 – 13    12.5 – 10        9 – 0

Presentation and reference list    You organise content very clearly and make no grammar/spelling errors. Follows suggested format precisely. References and references list are in correct format. Word limit adhered to.    You organise content clearly and make few grammar or spelling errors. Follows suggested format. References and references list are in correct format.  Word limit adhered to.    You generally organise content well but make some grammatical or spelling errors. Suggested format is mostly followed References and references list mostly follow correct format. Word limit adhered to.    You organise content in a manner that may be difficult for the reader to follow at times. A number of grammar or spelling errors.  References and references list needs improvement to comply with correct format. Might be over the word limit         You present content in an incoherent way and make frequent grammar and or spelling errors throughout. Word limit might not be adhered to.
References and reference list are absent or very poorly done – does not demonstrate knowledge of correct referencing style.

Marks _____ / 100            Weighted mark  ____ / 20%                           Marker: ______________

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