
Analyse religious ritual

Analyse religious ritual

Order Description
Read the observation exercise information
Details of task: For this exercise you will analyse a religious ritual that you have observed
You may want to attend a service at a church or prayers in a temple or mosque of a religious
group in Melbourne. Other events include: bar mitzvah, confirmation, circumcision, funeral,
cremation, wedding. Any religious group is suitable and it is fine to be the religious
community with which you identify.
IMPORTANT: It is your responsibility to ensure you conduct yourself in a polite and non-
offensive manner. You are not permitted to conduct interviews because this would
constitute research on human subjects and would consequently require Ethics Committee
Include a brief introduction telling the reader what you will be describing and what larger
argument or interpretation you will make. Then provide a brief description of the ritual. Pay
attention to: number of participants, how they are arranged, duration of the ritual, who
speaks, what languages are used, whether there are formulaic openings and closings. Then
interpret the ritual in a broader way to consider its purpose and meaning.
Questions to consider:
How and for whom was this a ritual?
How does the ritual relate to the larger cultural context?
What did individual symbols communicate?
What were the meanings of the ritual?
Was the ritual marking a transition point?
Were there conflicting messages in the ritual?
Indicate if you are unsure what the ritual meant to participants. You may want to speculate
on possible meanings while recognising that to create a more comprehensive interpretation
more research would need to be conducted.
Presentation requirements: This paper is based on your individual experience observing a
ritual. You should write in the first person.
Presentation checklist:
1. Student No. and Assignment Title at the top of Page 1 2. Word count at the top of Page 1 (10% under or over the prescribed word limit is
allowable, more than that will be penalised. The reference list is not included in the
word count) 3. Use 12pt font and 1.5 paragraph spacing (this is much easier to read) 4. Include page numbers on every page 5. Use British English spelling
Criteria for marking: The aim is for you to observe a ritual, reflect on your own experience
and analyse this with the relevant anthropological perspectives provided in lectures and
? Coherence of discussion and analysis /5 ? Identification, comprehension and effective use of appropriate literature /5 ? Clarity of writing and quality of expression /5 ? Structure (introduction/conclusion; coherent/linked paragraphs) /5 ? Consistent and accurate referencing /5

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