Analysis of Human Services of an Abuse Scenario
In this assignment, you will be introduced to a real-world case that requires a high-level analysis of theoretical, ethical, and legal factors to explain how an abused child should have been handled by the human services agency. This exercise will demonstrate the types of cases that are common in human services. You will learn how to approach such type of cases from necessary perspectives that need to be always considered by a human services worker.
In this assignment, you will read a scenario, analyze its legal and ethical implications, and discuss options to address the human services needs. Consider the following scenario.
You are working in a human services agency that provides diagnostic services to youth placed in the agency by the court system. A female, white Italian immigrant teenager was placed in this agency by Children and Youth Protective Services due to suspected sexual abuse by her father. The agency provided her with a safe environment for twelve weeks and encouraged her to trust the staff members. During this period, her case went to trial and was dismissed despite strong indications of sexual abuse. As a result, the protective services lost its funding for residential placement. Therefore, the girl was returned to the protective services and was back at her home the following week.
Apply scholarly theory, practice, and ethics to write an 8-page report that includes the following:
• Identify the legal and ethical obligations to both the girl and the father.
• Identify the multiple levels of systems failure in this case.
• Discuss the distinction between the legal justification for the release of the girl and the ethical problems with such an action. In your discussion, explain how an individual human services provider might come to deal personally with such a conflict.
• Identify the cultural considerations needed when working with this family.
• Describe the original or historical intent of child welfare systems in caring for vulnerable children.
• Discuss to what extent the agencies have fulfilled their responsibilities to their mission and the original intent in creating such agencies.
• Propose two to three culturally and legally appropriate strategies that may be provided to the girl that will address her human services needs.
Submission Details:
• Prepare an 8-page report. Write the report in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., use APA format); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Identify legal and ethical obligations to both the girl and the father.
CO 2 All legal and ethical obligations (both direct and indirect) to both the girl and the father are clearly identified and perceptively discussed without bias.
Identify the multiple levels of systems failure in this case.
CO 4 Levels of systems failure are accurately and perceptively identified; they represent all multiple levels.
Discuss the distinction between the legal justification for the release of the girl and the ethical problems with such action. In your discussion, explain how an individual human service provider might come to deal personally with such a conflict.
CO 1 and 3 Distinction between legal justification for the releasing the girl and the ethical problems with that action is insightfully discussed; both sides are explained clearly, without bias and with specific evidence from scholarly sources. Explanation includes a thoughtful description of how an individual human service provider might come to deal personally with such a conflict.
Identify cultural considerations needed when working with this family.
CO 1 Considerations needed when working with this family are identified and are perceptive; they represent all cultural considerations.
Describe the original/historical intent of child welfare systems in caring for vulnerable children.
CO 2 Original/historical intent of child welfare systems is perceptive, well-researched, and focused on its caring for vulnerable children. Specific evidence from scholarly research is used to support ideas
Discuss to what extent the agencies have fulfilled their responsibilities to their mission and the original intent in creating such agencies.
CO 4 Discussion is perceptive and accurate. Specific details of how each has fulfilled or not fulfilled their original responsibilities and mission are astute and used to support ideas.
Propose two to three culturally and legally appropriate strategies that may be provided to the girl that will address her human service needs.
CO 1, 3, and 4 Strategies proposed are astutely appropriate for both culturally and legally.
They clearly will address the girl’s human service needs. Specific evidence from scholarly research is used to support ideas.
Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Include citations in text and at the end of the document in the correct APA format. Writing is clear, concise, and in an organized manner; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Citations in text and at the end of the document are in correct APA format.
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