
Analyze the case study

Analyze the case study

The paper should include Abstract, 4 page analysis, and a Reference page, so the total will be 6 pages.. Follow the APA format. Make sure to use in-text citations for all of your writing. Although you are summarizing the work into your own words, you must identify where the information is coming from within the text of your paper. Be sure to provide a conclusion and evidence to support your conclusion. The acceptable similarity percentage is 15%.

Also, please follow the method bellow, there are 8 steps need to follow:
Please use of the above general format for writing a case study analysis but focus it on case studies involving a decision given options. Decision-based case studies are those case studies in which the author has given us a list of options that need to be analyzed with the end result of choosing the best choice. Main Elements in a Decision-Based Case Study Analysis Report: INTRODUCTION 1) DecisionDefinition:Givethereaderbackgroundinformationaboutthecaseyou analyzed: What? Why? Where? When? Who?. Also, tell the reader in a brief way of the options you analyzed.
2) ThesisStatement/PositionStatement:Letthereaderknowfromthebeginning,inaclear and concise manner, the best option you selected. Also, following the thesis statement, include, in a sentence or two, the criteria you used to analyze the different options. BODY OF THE PAPER
3) DecisionOptions:Explain,inoneparagraph,thedifferentoptionsyouanalyzed.
4) DecisionCriteria:Explain,inoneparagraph,thedifferentcriteriayouusedtoanalyze the different options. Use 3-5 criteria coming from business theory (refer to Chapter 6 in the Ellet book about applying criteria to analyze different options).
5) AnalysisofOptionswithEvidence/SupportingFacts/Information:Foreachdecision option, include an analysis using business theory and include evidence from the case study or from other sources that supports or contradicts your analysis.
6) ActionPlan:Inthissection,includeyourdetailedrecommendation/solutions.Focusing on the short- and long-term good ideas. Give specific goals or strategies to the main character in the case (e.g., to the CEO) that consist of detailed steps.
7) Risks and Alternatives: Include an evaluation of your action plan and write about any ?what-if? situations. A common name given to this type of analysis is ?scenario analysis?. As you evaluate each step in your action plan, think about alternative solutions given the risks you mention. The alternative solution is what is called in business ?Plan B?. CONCLUSIONS
8) Overall Conclusions: The goal of this section is to remind the reader of what is being discussed since the beginning. Re-state your thesis statement. Re-state your items in the body of your paper. Re-state your action plan. Re-state your risk analysis. Re-state your alternative solutions. Notice how I concentrated on the word ?re-state?. It means that you do not want to repeat the exact words you have throughout your paper. The key is to re-phrase the writings in your paper and not bored the reader?.

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