
Annotated Bibliography for costa rica and 5 major research questions

Annotated Bibliography for costa rica and 5 major research questions

Five major research questions for the Costa Rica nation. each has an emphasis only on some specific aspect of the Costa Rica Culture Each posting needs complete APA documentation of additional research Select an approved nation for your research project, then post a short essay that states which nation you selected, the academic (not personal) reason for selecting the nation, and 5 things (in addition to the required research questions) you expect to learn as a result of completing this research project.

post an annotated bibliography for COSTA RICA. It must contain a minimum of 24 scholarly business references (not textbooks, Wikipedia, or other popular reading magazines), be in current APA format, and must contain persistent links so others may have instant access. Arrange the 24 references according to how they relate to the required 4 research questions.

Attached I have the Direct Information information for the assignment.






Ura Scholar

(Use this format for the title page and Bibliography)







Dr. Preacher

Month,  Day,  Year

Note:  the following topics for India are not relevant to your GBCA.  These are format examples.  Double-space the reference, but single-space any lengthy persistent links.  While APA also calls for double-spacing the annotation you write, you may use single-spacing for this class.  It sets the entries off and makes them more readable.

Change the research questions to statements.

Group the references under the four research questions according to their relevancy, then alphabetize the authors of the articles and your annotations.

Under the fourth question heading, you should add a sub-heading for the SWOT.  You can have up to, but not more than, six entries that relate to the conditions in the country that could affect the business environment.  These six entries may be related to risk, politics, law, regulations, infrastructure and other such issues.  After the SWOT and FDI-related entries, however, continue with annotated entries that relate to cultural concerns falling under the fourth question.

The Major Elements and Dimensions of Culture in






The Integration of Cultural Elements and Dimensions by Locals Conducting Business in…



Aravind, D. & Arevalo, J.  (2011).Corporate social responsibility practices in India:       Approach, drivers, and barriers.  Corporate Governance: The International  Journal of Effective Board Performance, 11(4), pp. 399 – 414.            doi:10.1108/14720701111159244

The two authors, Jorge Arevalo and Deepa Aravind, have established careers and gained subject matter knowledge through these positions in the Department of Marketing and Management Sciences for William Paterson University and the Department of Business at City University of New York respectively.  The journal discusses corporate social responsibility and describes India’s historical approach and details recent increased interests in such practices.  Furthermore, the authors inform readers of four models of    corporate social responsibility being utilized in India.  These are:  the ethical, the statist, the liberal, and the shareholder models.  The researchers attempted to uncover the         answers to which model is more prevalent, what are the motivators of CSR activities, and         what obstacles exist for Indian companies attempting to incorporate CSR practices into       their business functions.  The atmosphere surrounding corporate social responsibility in India has become more positive and, partly due to globalization, has even begun to             surface as voluntary actions of Indian businesses.  Adding to its relevance to a global cultural analysis of India stems from, as the authors point out, that India was chosen due to its growing economy and the country’s particular culture and values.(This is how an annotation of 188 words looks)

Culture and Business Practices of (your Country) Differing from Those of the United States







Implications for US Businesses Considering Operations Located in (your Country)


SWOT Analysis

(You may have up to six entries under this heading that are not directly related to culture)


Anita, M.  (2008). Harley-Davidson:  Market entry strategies in India.  ICFAI Journal of


            International Business, 3(2), pp. 49 – 66. (Persistent link, doi, or URL –          retain the indentation.  Single-space links of two or more lines)


The author discusses how the United States culture has embraced Harley Davidson as asymbol of its culture and how the motorcycle producer can gain customers in India.  The motorcycle industry of the nation is evaluated and related to Harley Davidson’s marketing strategies for gaining entry into India.  The journal entry also contains references to Harley-Davidson’s strategies for entering and conducting business in other nations, including Japan, Brazil, and China.  The India market is changing due to agrowing middle class and shifts in consumer trends and preferences which have resulted in the forming of a luxury automobile market.    Moreover, India’s government tradebarriers and the motorcycle’s cost compared to the typical Indian consumer values are illustrated as factors restricting Harley-Davidson’s success.  The journal article is a directand relevant example of how a multinational corporation should approach a marketingstrategy and the difficulties that can be expected to be encountered when seeking entry into India.(This is how an annotation of 156 words looks)


FDI Analysis

(You may have up to four entries under this heading  that are not directly related to culture)



Accommodations and Adaptations


After the FDI, resume with remaining entries related to culture, and alphabetize them.




These are the four research questions that you will be answering in your research paper (GBCA), not Discussion Board #1.  They will form the four main headings of your paper, but as such, will be converted to objective statements at that time.


Your five personal questions should fall within the context of these questions, and should have relevance to the prospect of doing business within your selected country.  It’s a good idea to make a file for each one so you can sort the information you find along the way as you conduct your research.  They will be addressed in an essay assignment in Module Eight.



  • What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in this region?(See Unit 2, Chapter 7, pp. 56-57 for a list of Hofstede’s dimensions. Check the Index for the 2nd edition of the text.  These are required.  Also see the SAMPLE OUTLINE link below for additional suggestions).


  • How are these elements and dimensions integrated by locals conducting business in the nation?(These would be observable behaviors, attitudes and practices,etc).


  • How do both of the above items compare with US culture and business?(Donot wastespace repeating a list of the same elements and dimensions for the U.S. – we already know those.Focus strictly on the contrasting cultural elements of your selected country. Consult the SAMPLE OUTLINE for possible subheadings).


  • What are the implications for US businesses that wish to conduct business in that region?(This means cultural implications – what the US business should do to accommodate and adapt to the culture. Do not go off on political and regulatory issues, etc.  These can be addressed in the SWOT & FDI Analyses as a subheadings under this question).


Print a hard copy of this page as a helpful guide to use while conducting your research.  It can help keep you on track.



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