
APPENDIX 28-A Metropolis Health System’s Financial Statements and Excerpts from Notes

APPENDIX 28-A Metropolis Health System’s Financial Statements and Excerpts from Notes

Metropolis Health System Balance Sheet March 31, 20X3 and 20X2


Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents                                                       $1,150,000           $400,000

Assets whose use is limited                                                    825,000                 825,000

Patient accounts receivable                                                    8,700,000 8,950,000

Less allowance for bad debts                                  (1,300,000)          (1,300,000)

Other receivables                                                                        150,000 100,000

Inventories of supplies                                                              900,000 850,000

Prepaid expenses                                                                        200,000 150,000

Total Current Assets                                                                       10,625,000 9,975,000

Assets Whose Use Is Limited

Corporate funded depreciation                                             1,950,000 1,800,000

Under bond indenture agreements—held by trustee1,425,000 1,475,000

Total Assets Whose Use Is Limited                                          3,375,000 3,275,000

Less Current Portion                                                                      (825,000)(825,000)

Net Assets Whose Use Is Limited                                             2,550,000 2,450,000

Property, Plant, and Equipment, Net                                     19,300,000 19,200,000

Other Assets                                                                                      325,000 375,000

Total Assets                                                                                       $32,800,000        $32,000,000






Metropolis Health System Balance Sheet March 31, 20X3 and 20X2

Liabilities and Fund Balance

Current Liabilities

Current maturities of long-term debt                                    $525,000              $500,000

Accounts payable and accrued expenses                           4,900,000             5,300,000

Bond interest payable                                                                                300,000                 325,000

Reimbursement settlement payable                                  100,000                 175,000

Total Current Liabilities                                                                                5,825,000             6,300,000

Long-Term Debt                                                                               6,000,000             6,500,000

Less Current Portion of Long-Term Debt                                               (525,000)             (500,000)

Net Long-Term Debt                                                                      5,475,000             6,000,000

Total Liabilities                                                                                 11,300,000 12,300,000

Fund Balances

General Fund                                                                    21,500,000 19,700,000

Total Fund Balances                                                                       21,500,000 19,700,000

Total Liabilities and Fund Balances                          $32,800,000 $32,000,000












Metropolis Health System Statement of Revenue and Expenses for the Years Ended March 31, 20X3 and 20X2


Net patient service revenue                   $34,000,000$33,600,000

Other revenue                                               1,100,0001,000,000

Total Operating Revenue                                             35,100,00034,600,000


Nursing services                                           5,025,000                                             5,450,000

Other professional services                     13,100,000                           12,950,000

General services                                           3,200,000                                             3,220,000

Support services                                           8,300,000                                             8,340,000

Depreciation                  1,900,000                                             1,800,000

Amortization                                  50,000                                   50,000

Interest                                                             325,000                                 350,000

Provision for doubtful accounts              1,500,000                                             1,600,000


Total Expenses                                 33,400,000                                           33,760,000

Income from Operations                                                                    1,700,000                                       840,000

Nonoperating Gains (Losses)

Unrestricted gifts and memorials                 20,000                                                            70,000

Interest income                                                    80,000                                                           40,000

Nonoperating Gains, Net                                                                       100,000                                       110,000

Revenue and Gains in Excess of Expenses and Losses             $1,800,000                                   $950,000





Metropolis Health System Statement of Changes in Fund Balance for the Years Ended March 31, 20X3 and 20X2

General Fund Balance April 1st              $19,700,000           $18,750,000

Revenue and Gains in Excess of                  1,800,000                        950,000

Expenses and Losses

General Fund Balance March 31st            $21,500,000        $19,700,000



Metropolis Health System Schedule of Property, Plant, and Equipment for the Years Ended March 31, 20X3 and 20X2

Buildings and Improvements                     $14,700,000      $14,000,000 

Land Improvements                                      1,100,000        1,100,000 

Equipment                                                    28,900,000                27,600,000 

   Total                                                                        44,700,000      42,700,000 

Less Accumulated Depreciation                   (26,100,000)    (24,200,000)

   Net Depreciable Assets                              18,600,000      18,500,000 


Land                                                                480,000           480,000 

Construction in Progress                              220,000                       220,000 

Net Property, Plant, and Equipment                 $19,300,000         $19,200,000 







Metropolis Health System Schedule of Patient Revenue for the Years Ended March 31, 20X3 and 20X2

Patient Services Revenue

Routine revenue                                          $9,850,000                           $9,750,000

Laboratory                                                       7,375,000                             7,300,000

Radiology and CT scanner                         5,825,000                             5,760,000

OB–nursery                                                        450,000                              445,000

Pharmacy                                                         3,175,000                            3,140,000

Emergency service                                       2,200,000                             2,180,000

Medical and surgical supply and IV       5,050,000                             5,000,000

Operating rooms                                          5,250,000                             5,200,000

Anesthesiology                                             1,600,000                             1,580,000

Respiratory therapy                                      900,000                               890,000

Physical therapy                                           1,475,000                             1,460,000

EKG and EEG                                                    1,050,000                             1,040,000

Ambulance services                                    900,000                 890,000

Oxygen                                                             575,000                 570,000

Home health and hospice                         1,675,000                             1,660,000

Substance abuse                                           375,000                 370,000

Other                                                                 775,000                 765,000

Subtotal                                                               48,500,000                           48,000,000

Less Allowances and Charity Care            14,500,000                           14,400,000

Net Patient Service Revenue                     $34,000,000                        $33,600,000





Metropolis Health System Schedule of Operating Expenses for the Years Ended March 31, 20X3 and 20X2

Nursing Services

Routine Medical/Surgical                         $3,880,000                           $4,200,000

Operating Room                                               300,000                             325,000

Intensive Care Units                                         395,000                            430,000

OB–Nursery                                                         150,000                            165,000

Other                                                                      300,000                            330,000

Total                                                                  $5,025,000                            $5,450,000

Other Professional Services

Laboratory                                                       $2,375,000                           $2,350,000

Radiology and CT Scanner                         1,700,000                             1,680,000

Pharmacy                                                         1,375,000                             1,360,000

Emergency Service                                         950,000                              930,000

Medical and Surgical Supply                    1,800,000                             1,780,000

Operating Rooms and Anesthesia         1,525,000                             1,515,000

Respiratory Therapy                                       525,000                              530,000

Physical Therapy                                              700,000                              695,000

EKG and EEG                                                       185,000                              180,000

Ambulance Services                                         80,000                              80,000

Substance Abuse                                             460,000                              450,000

Home Health and Hospice                        1,295,000                            1,280,000

Other                                                                    130,000                              120,000

Total                                                                   $13,100,000                        $12,950,000

General Services

Dietary                                                              $1,055,000                           $1,060,000

Maintenance                                                     1,000,000                          1,010,000

Laundry                                                             295,000                 300,000

Housekeeping                                                               470,000                 475,000

Security                                                               50,000                                50,000

Medical Records                                           330,000                 325,000

Total                                                                   $3,200,000                           $3,220,000

Support Services

General                                                             $4,600,000                           $4,540,000

Insurance                                                               240,000                           235,000

Payroll Taxes                                                     1,130,000                          1,180,000

Employee Welfare                                          1,900,000                          1,950,000

Other                                                                       430,000                           435,000

Total                                                                   $8,300,000                          $8,340,000

Depreciation                                                     $1,900,000                          $1,800,000

Amortization                                                             50,000                           50,000

Interest Expense                                                   325,000                           350,000

Provision for Doubtful Accounts                                  1,500,000                          1,600,000

Total Operating Expenses                            $33,400,000                        $33,760,000















Note 1—Nature of Operations and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies


Metropolis Hospital System (Hospital) currently operates as a general acute care hospital. The hospital is a municipal corporation and body politic created under the hospital district laws of the state.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

For purposes of reporting cash flows, the hospital considers all liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents.


Inventory consists of supplies used for patients and is stated as the lower of cost or market. Cost is determined on the basis of most recent purchase price.


Investments, consisting primarily of debt securities, are carried at market value. Realized and unrealized gains and losses are reflected in the statement of revenue and expenses. Investment income from general fund investments is reported as nonoperating gains.

Income Taxes

As a municipal corporation of the state, the hospital is exempt from federal and state income taxes under Section 115 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Property, Plant, and Equipment

Expenditures for property, plant, and equipment, and items that substantially increase the useful lives of existing assets are capitalized at cost. The hospital provides for depreciation on the straight-line method at rates designed to depreciate the costs of assets over estimated useful lives as follows:



Equipment                         5 to 20

Land Improvements       20 to 25

Buildings and Improvements     40


Funded Depreciation

The hospital’s Board of Directors has adopted the policy of designating certain funds that are to be used to fund depreciation for the purpose of improvement, replacement, or expansion of plant assets.

Unamortized Debt Issue Costs

Revenue bond issue costs have been deferred and are being amortized.

Revenue and Gains in Excess of Expenses and Losses

The statement of revenue and expenses includes revenue and gains in excess of expenses and losses. Changes in unrestricted net assets that are excluded from excess of revenue over expenses, consistent with industry practice, would include such items as contributions of long-lived assets (including assets acquired using contributions that by donor restriction were to be used for the purposes of acquiring such assets) and extraordinary gains and losses. Such items are not present on the current financial statements.

Net Patient Service Revenue

Net patient service revenue is reported as the estimated net realizable amounts from patients, third-party payers, and others for services rendered, including estimated retroactive adjustments under reimbursement agreements with third-party payers. Retroactive adjustments are accrued on an estimated basis in the period the related services are rendered and adjusted in future periods as final settlements are determined.

Contractual Agreements with Third-Party Payers

The hospital has contractual agreements with third-party payers, primarily the Medicare and Medicaid programs. The Medicare program reimburses the hospital for inpatient services under the Prospective Payment System, which provides for payment at predetermined amounts based on the discharge diagnosis. The contractual agreement with the Medicaid program provides for reimbursement based upon rates established by the state, subject to state appropriations. The difference between established customary charge rates and reimbursement is accounted for as a contractual allowance.

Gifts and Bequests

Unrestricted gifts and bequests are recorded on the accrual basis as nonoperating gains.

Donated Services

No amounts have been reflected in the financial statements for donated services. The hospital pays for most services requiring specific expertise. However, many individuals volunteer their time and perform a variety of tasks that help the hospital with specific assistance programs and various committee assignments.

Note 2—Cash and Investments

Statutes require that all deposits of the hospital be secured by federal depository insurance or be fully collateralized by the banking institution in authorized investments. Authorized investments include those guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America as to principal and interest; or in bonds, notes, debentures, or other similar obligations of the United States of America or its agencies; in interest-bearing savings accounts or interest-bearing certificates of deposit; or in certain money market mutual funds.

At March 31, 20X3, the carrying amount and bank balance of the hospital’s deposits with financial institutions were $190,000 and $227,000, respectively. The difference between the carrying amount and the bank balance primarily represents checks outstanding at March 31, 20X3. All deposits are fully insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or collateralized with securities held in the hospital’s name by the hospital agent.


Carrying Amount

20X3    20X2

U.S. Government Securities or

U.S. Government Agency Securities                        $4,325,000                           $3,575,000

Total Investments                                                             4,325,000                           3,575,000

Petty Cash                                                                                    3,000                           3,000

Deposits                                                                                    190,000                           93,000

Accrued Interest                                                                        7,000                           4,000

Total                                                                                      4,525,000                             3,675,000

Consisting of

Cash and Cash Equivalents—General Fund              1,150,000                         400,000

Assets Whose Use Is Limited

Corporate Funded Depreciation                                                   1,950,000                         1,800,000

Held by Trustee Under                                                  1,425,000                                  1,475,000

Bond Indenture Agreements

Total                                                                                    $4,525,000                           $3,675,000

Note 3—Charity Care

The hospital voluntarily provides free care to patients who lack financial resources and are deemed to be medically indigent. Such care is in compliance with the hospital’s mission. Because the hospital does not pursue collection of amounts determined to qualify as charity care, they are not reported as revenue.

The hospital maintains records to identify and monitor the level of charity care it provides. These records include the amount of charges forgone for services and supplies furnished under its charity care policy. During the years ended March 31, 20X3 and 20X2, such charges forgone totaled $395,000 and $375,000, respectively.

Note 4—Net Patient Service Revenue

The hospital provides healthcare services through its inpatient and outpatient care facilities. The mix of receivables from patients and third-party payers at March 31, 20X3 and 20X2, is as follows:


20X3                           20X2

Medicare                             30.0%                                       28.5%

Medicaid                             15.0                                        16.0

Patients                               13.0                                        12.5

Other third-party payers               42.0                                         43.0  

Total                                      100.0%                                   100.0%

The hospital has agreements with third-party payers that provide for payments to the hospital at amounts different from its established rates. Contractual adjustments under third-party reimbursement programs represent the difference between the hospital’s established rates for services and amounts paid by third-party payers. A summary of the payment arrangements with major third-party payers follows.


Inpatient acute care rendered to Medicare program beneficiaries is paid at prospectively determined rates-per-discharge. These rates vary according to a patient classification system that is based on clinical, diagnostic, and other factors. Inpatient nonacute care services and certain outpatient services are paid based upon either a cost reimbursement method, established fee screens, or a combination thereof. The hospital is reimbursed for cost reimbursable items at a tentative rate with final settlement determination after submission of annual cost reports by the hospital and audits by the Medicare fiscal intermediary. At the current year end, all Medicare settlements for the previous two years are subject to audit and retroactive adjustments.


Inpatient services rendered to Medicaid program beneficiaries are reimbursed at prospectively determined rates-per-day. Outpatient services rendered to Medicaid program beneficiaries are reimbursed at prospectively determined rates-per-visit.

Blue Cross

Inpatient services rendered to Blue Cross subscribers are reimbursed under a cost reimbursement methodology. The hospital is reimbursed at a tentative rate with final settlement determined after submission of annual cost reports by the hospital and audits by Blue Cross. The Blue Cross cost report for the prior year end is subject to audit and retroactive adjustment.

The hospital has also entered into payment agreements with certain commercial insurance carriers, health maintenance organizations, and preferred provider organizations. The bases for payment under these agreements include discounts from established charges and prospectively determined daily rates.

Gross patient service revenue for services rendered by the hospital under the Medicare, Medicaid, and Blue Cross payment agreements for the years ended March 31, 20X3 and 20X2, is approximately as follows:


20X3                                                                                      20X2

Amount               %                            Amount           %

Medicare                             $20,850,000      43.0                          $19,900,000        42.0

Medicaid                             10,190,000           21.0                           10,200,000        21.5        All other payers                                17,460,000           36.0                           17,300,000        36.5

$48,500,000                                                        100.0                       $47,400,000      100.0

Note 5—Property, Plant, and Equipment

The hospital’s property, plant, and equipment at March 31, 20X3 and 20X2, are as follows:


20X3                                                      20X2

Buildings and improvements                                       $14,700,000                                                      $14,000,000

Land improvements                                                             1,100,000                                                       1,100,000

Equipment                                                                             28,900,000                                                       27,600,000

Total                                                              $44,700,000                                           $42,700,000

Accumulated depreciation                                             (26,100,000)                                                    (24,200,000)

Net Depreciable Assets                                                                   $18,600,000                                                     $18,500,000

Land                                                                                                 480,000                                      480,000

Construction in progress                                              220,000                                                                220,000

Net Property, Plant, Equipment                                               $19,300,000                                                        $19,200,000

Construction in progress, which involves a renovation project, has not progressed in the last 12-month period because of a zoning dispute. The project will not require significant outlay to reach completion, as anticipated additional expenditures are currently estimated at $100,000.

Note 6—Long-Term Debt

Long-term debt consists of the following:

Hospital Facility Revenue Bonds (Series 1995) at varying interest rates from 4.5% to 5.5%, depending on date of maturity through 2020.

20X3                20X2

$6,000,000      $6,500,000

The future maturities of long-term debt are as follows:

Years Ending March 31

20X2                      $ 475,000

20X3                      500,000

20X4                      525,000

20X5                      550,000

20X6                      575,000

20X7                      600,000

Thereafter          3,750,000

Under the terms of the trust indenture the following funds (held by the trustee) were established: an interest fund, a bond sinking fund, and a debt service reserve fund.

Interest Fund

The hospital deposits (monthly) into the interest fund an amount equal to one-sixth of the next semi-annual interest payment due on the bonds.

Bond Sinking Fund

The hospital deposits (monthly) into the bond sinking fund an amount equal to one-twelfth of the principal due on the next July 1.

Debt Service Reserve Fund

The debt service reserve fund must be maintained at an amount equal to 10% of the aggregate principal amount of all bonds then outstanding. It is to be used to make up any deficiencies in the interest fund and bond sinking fund.

Assets held by the trustee under the trust indenture at March 31, 20X3 and 20X2 are as follows:


20X3                                                                      20X2

Interest Fund                    $ 300,000                                                             $ 325,000

Bond Sinking Fund          525,000                                                 500,000

Debt Service Reserve      600,000                                                               650,000

Total                                                  $1,425,000                                            $1,475,000

Note 7—Commitments

At March 31, 20X3, the hospital had commitments outstanding for a renovation project at the hospital of approximately $100,000. Construction in progress on the renovation has not progressed in the last 12-month period because of a zoning dispute. Upon resolution of the dispute, remaining construction costs will be funded from corporate funded depreciation cash reserves.

(Baker 405)

Baker, Judith J. Health Care Finance, 4th Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 08/2013. VitalBook file.

The citation provided is a guideline. Please check each citation for accuracy before use.


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