
Appreciating child development through observation

Appreciating child development through observation

Word count 3,500 words
Worth 100%
Your essay title is: �Appreciating child development through observation�
1. Observation
Carry out an observation of a child in a setting of your choice.
The observation must cover all of the areas of development (physical, intellectual, linguistic, social, and emotional).
If you are unable to observe within a setting please contact the tutor and alternative arrangements will be discussed.
Include in this section the importance of asking parental permission if this was an observation that you were carrying out in the workplace situation. (1000 words)
2. Establishing a Holistic Biographical Narrative
Contextualise and evaluate your observation. The evaluation must show evidence of your ability to relate the information gained against your knowledge of child developmental theory, using quotations wisely and references to support your conclusions. The evaluation should detail an account of the child�s overall development which you observed, inclusive of any relevant background information .
You must show an ability to cross reference your findings to your observations. (2500 words).

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