Appreciation Formal Analysis Writing Assignment
Appreciation Formal Analysis Writing Assignment 1100 words Min
Appreciation Formal Analysis Writing Assignment 1100 words Min
Description: This analysis is paper you analyze work of formal elements and your own impressions work investigation of the forms appearing in the work you chosen.
These forms t the expression, message, meaning, aid writing a formal analysis, you should think about if you were describing the work o art to someone who has never
seen it before. reader finishes reading When your your analysis, shelhe should have a complete mental picture of what the work like. Yet, the formal analysis is more
than just a description of the work You are not required to but may find it useful to compare the work to either a contrasting or similar artwork if it will help your
analysis. It should also include a thesis statement that reflects your conclusions about the work. The thesis tatement may, answer a question like these: What is the
meaning of this work? What is the message that this work or artist sends to the viewer? What this work all about? The thesis statement is the most important element.
It sets the tone for the entire paper, and sets it apart from being a merely descriptive paper.
Format for the Paper: The written portion of your paper must be a minimum of 800 words in length (this should be about 2.5 pages.)The 800 word written section does not
include your heading, your image(s), title page or bibliography. It must be in black ink, double spaced, 12-point type, Times New Roman, Helvetica, Cambria, or a
similar, normal size font with a one inch margin. (If you attempt to use a large atypical font to gain length from your paper l may deduct points.) Your paper should
be broken into three sections, an Introduction, Body and Conclusion. Make sure you set forth your Thesis Statement in the Introduction section of your paper. You must
include at least one image of the work. lf you cite someone’s work you must make citation within the body of the paper and you must include a bibliography formatted to
MLA guidelines. As stated above the image and the bibliography are NOT counted toward the 800 word text of the paper. Your grade will reflect not only the content of
the paper but also your ability to follow ALL of these format guidelines.
Introduction: Your first paragraph is your introduction and must include the following components related to the work(s) you have chosen to write about:
Artist name (if known), title (which is italicized every time you use the title in your paper), date, and medium (if known).
A brief description of the work
What you think this work means.
Thesis Statement (typically th paragraph). Example: Donatello’s David, includes A,B and C, which make t’s subject is about X,Y and Z. The following analysis will
explain how.
Body: After your Introduction, you should begin the body of your formal analysis. This is where you develop the basis for your thesis statement or the central argument
for your paper. To accomplish this you will need to not only describe the work, but discuss those details of the work that have led you to come to your thesis. This
should not be a random flow of ideas about the work (i,e, stream of consciousness writing). Rather, your paper should have a sense of order, moving purposefully
through your description with regard to specific elements (ex: one paragraph may deal with composition, another with a description of the figures another with the
background, another about use of color, etc.) 4 -5 paraghrapes Min
conclusion: conclusion (the final paragraph) should end your paper with a restatement of your thesis statement that informs your reader the essential that led to you
to analysis. is important remember that a is not research paper. Th purpose is to show your ability to describe the formal elements of an work a AND express your
thoughts and impressions of the work. In other words, you are strictly relying on your ability to visually read a work of art and make analysis should about itbased on
your analysis of it. Remember too that your not be just a mechanical physical description, but an explanation of what the work makes you think, feel, etc. Please use
descriptive language and adjectives to describe your work. Begin with a general description of the work, and then move on to the more specific elements.
Images: You will include an image of the work or works you discuss. Also be sure you include the pertinent information about the image as you see listed below. Artist,
title (italicized), and date.
you can choose any painting.
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