“Araby,” “Two Kinds,” or “The Story of an Hour.”
“Araby,” “Two Kinds,” or “The Story of an Hour.”
Short story Essay
Short story Essay 1000-1250 words w/ MLA format.
Choose a story between “Araby,” “Two Kinds,” or “The Story of an Hour.”
JAMES JOYCE – Araby (1914)
Please see the attachment
AMY TRAN – Two Kinds (1989)
KATE CHOPIN – The Story of an Hour (1894)
Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to explicate or analyze a short story that you choose from the assigned readings in Unit Two. Use the model on page 23 of your
text to help you decide what specific area of focus you wish to choose for your thesis. In your textbook, each chapter on fiction contains sample essays you should
review and model.
Requirements and Options: The completed essay should be 1000-1250 words (4-5 pages), using MLA format. You may choose to write about any story that you read in Unit
Two – “Araby,” “Two Kinds,” or “The Story of an Hour.”
Although you may use some research for your weekly assignments to help you explicate and analyze the literature, this essay should NOT include outside source material.
The content should be derived from your own analysis, based on class discussions and your own observations. You are expected to quote and/or paraphrase from the short
story to corroborate your analysis; hence, you will have a Works Cited page, in addition to parenthetical in-text citations. Follow MLA format.
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