
Assemble Language Programming with x86 – PDF wit problem Attached.

Assemble Language Programming with x86 – PDF wit problem Attached.

Check PDF for problem, data and Book. I posted a source file for ast05 so that you have an idea how the structure of the text file or .asm file should be. Stuff in it is more like a sand box from previous assignment, yet it might be helpfull to create the source file. I’m a Nice Kid, so if you give me a good solution I will post more for you and increase the price each time as it gets harder. I am still waiting on a solution for #5, which must be used for #6, so if you want to make 100 bucks, come up with a solution for #5 , then use it for 6 which shouldnt take much…. and collect your money. Thanks!

; *********************************************************************************************

;  Must include:

;           name: Newton NiceKid

;           assignmnet #

;           section #CS 218


; —–

;a simple assembly language program to calculate the some geometric information for each

;rectangular prism1 in a series of rectangular prism’s. The program should find the base

;area, volume, and surface area for each rectangular prism. Once the base area, volume,

;and surface area are computed, the program should find the minimum, maximum, middle value,

;sum, and average for the base area, volume, and surface area. All data must be treated as

;unsigned values (i.e., use of MUL and DIV, not IMUL or IDIV). The JA/JB/JAE/JBE must be used

;(as they are for unsigned data).

; *********************************************************************************************

;  Data Declarations (provided).


; *****************************************************************


section           .data


; —–

;  Define constants.


NULL              equ     0                                  ; end of string


TRUE             equ     1

FALSE                       equ     0


EXIT_SUCCESS     equ     0                                  ; successful operation

SYS_exit       equ     60                                ; call code for terminate


; —–

;  Data Set


widths                        dw       148,  194,  162,  163,  118

dw       161,  145,  152,  129,  165

dw       112,  100,  185,  163,  125

dw       176,  147,  155,  110,  113

dw       108,  145,  161,  164,  165

dw       177,  120,  156,  147,  161

dw       152,  119,  165,  161,  131

dw       165,  114,  123,  115,  114


heights                       dw       233,  214,  223,  211,  234

dw       212,  200,  285,  263,  205

dw       264,  213,  224,  213,  265

dw       244,  212,  213,  212,  223

dw       265,  264,  273,  216,  234

dw       253,  213,  243,  213,  235

dw       244,  169,  234,  233,  232

dw       234,  223,  215,  214,  201


lengths                       dd        1145, 1134, 1123, 1123, 1123

dd        1153, 1153, 1243, 1153, 1135

dd        1134, 1134, 1156, 1164, 1142

dd        1153, 1153, 1184, 1142, 1134

dd        1145, 1134, 1123, 1123, 1123

dd        1134, 1134, 1156, 1164, 1142

dd        1153, 1153, 1184, 1142, 1134

dd        1156, 1164, 1142, 1134, 1001


length             dd        40


baMin             dd        0

baEstMed      dd        0

baMax                        dd        0

baSum                       dd        0

baAve             dd        0


vMin               dd        0

vEstMed                     dd        0

vMax               dd        0

vSum              dd        0

vAve               dd        0


saMin             dd        0

saEstMed      dd        0

saMax                        dd        0

saSum                       dd        0

saAve             dd        0


; —–

; Additional variables (if any)



; ————————————————————–

; Uninitialized data


section           .bss


baseAreas     resd    40

volumes                     resd    40

surfaceAreas            resd    40


; *****************************************************************


section           .text

global _start



; ——————— – [ BEGINNING CODE] – ———————-


;           Code from last assignment


mov ecx, 0

mov eax, dword [lst]

mov dword [lstMin], eax

mov dword [lstMax], eax

mov dword [lstSum], 0


;Start loop


mov eax, dword [lst + ecx*4]

add dword [lstSum], eax

cmp eax, dword [lstMin]

jae checkMax

mov dword [lstMin], eax


; Check Max number


cmp eax, dword [lstMax]

jbe CheckMin

mov dword [lstMax], eax


;Check Min number


mov ebx, 2

mov edx, 0

div ebx

cmp edx, 0

je NotOdd

add dword [oddCnt], edx

mov eax, dword [lst + ecx*4]

add dword [oddSum], eax


; If not odd


mov ebx, 9

mov edx, 0

div ebx

cmp edx, 0

jne NotInNine


add dword [nineCnt], 1

mov eax, dword [lst + ecx*4]

add dword [nineSum], eax


; If # is not divisible by 9


inc ecx

cmp ecx, dword [length]

jne StatLoop


; Calculate the median value

; eax = 1/2 length

; ecx = lst length

; edx = 0 -> even

; edx = 1 -> odd


mov ebx, 2                             ; Set ebx -> 2

mov edx, 0                             ; Set edx -> 0

mov eax, dword [length]

div ebx                                               ; ebx is 2, so get estMed

mov dword [estMed], edx


dec ecx                                              ; Decrement length for ecx

dec eax                                              ; Decrement length for eax

mov ebx, 0

add ebx, dword [lst]

add ebx, dword [lst + 4*ecx]


cmp edx, 0                             ; Compare edx

jne Next


; Even List

add ebx, dword [lst + 4*eax]

inc eax

add ebx, dword [lst + 4*eax]

mov dword[estMed], ebx

mov ecx, 4

mov edx, 0

mov eax, dword[estMed]

div ecx

mov dword [estMed], eax

jmp Avg



; Odd list

inc eax

add ebx, dword [lst + 4*eax]

mov dword[estMed], ebx

mov ecx, 3

mov edx, 0

mov eax, dword[estMed]

div ecx

mov dword [estMed], eax


; Calculate the Average number for lst, oddAve, nineAve




; lst

mov edx, 0

mov eax, dword[lstSum]

div dword [length]

mov dword [lstAve], eax                  ; lst Ave

; oddAve

mov edx, 0

mov eax, dword[oddSum]

div dword [oddCnt]

mov dword [oddAve], eax               ; oddAve

; nineAve

mov edx, 0

mov eax, dword[nineSum]

div dword [nineCnt]

mov dword [nineAve], eax  ; nineAve


; ———————– – [END CODE] – ————————–


;************************* START – Sand BoX ***********************

; Summation loop.


;           mov ecx, dword [length]      ; get length value

;           mov rsi, 0                               ; index=0


;           mov eax, dword [lst+(rsi*4)]            ; get lst[rsi]

;           add dword [sum], eax                      ; update sum

;           inc rsi                                     ; next item

;           loop sumLoop


;Sum of odd numbers


;           mov ecx, qword [length]      ; loop counter

;           mov eax, 1                             ; odd integer counter



;           add dword [oddSum], eax   ; sum current odd integer

;           add eax, 2                              ; set next odd integer dec

;           ecx                                          ; decrement loop counter

;           cmp ecx, 0

;           jne sumLoop

;************************* END – Sand BoX *************************


; *****************************************************************

;           Done, terminate program.



mov     eax, SYS_exit                       ; call call for exit (SYS_exit)

mov     ebx, EXIT_SUCCESS         ; return code of 0 (no error)


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