
Assessment of Organizational Conditions and Leader Performance

Assessment of Organizational Conditions and Leader Performance

Background information: You are being asked to contribute to an organizational and leader assessment. The instrument should take between twenty and twenty-five minutes to complete. A cover letter will stipulate the terms of confidentiality, the return address, and whether to use this form for responses or a separate form that can be scanned. The survey has two parts. The questions regarding organizational effectiveness may or may not reflect a particular leader’s effect on the organization. For example, leaders who are new or have a relatively small range of discretion may not have a major impact. Because leadership is ultimately about improving organizational effectiveness, however, these questions are vitally important no matter how great or small the leader’s past role. The second part of the assessment focuses on the leader’s traits, skills, and management behaviors. Leader traits are generally predispositions toward effectiveness, rather than guarantees of success. The leader skills selected here are those generalized capabilities that are used in many management behaviors. The leader behaviors are divided into those that are task-oriented, people-oriented, and change-oriented.

Important guidelines for respondents:

•    In nearly all cases, the organization, area, or unit being referred to is the area under the jurisdiction of the person being assessed, not the organization at large. The exception is when the person being evaluated is the chief executive officer.
•    Reserve 5’s for truly exceptional behavior. Most people are exceptional in a few things; almost no one is exceptional in all leadership areas.
•    Reserve DK/NA (do not know/not applicable) for cases when you have no idea or the question seems completely inapplicable.
•    Even though a number of the questions are broad or composite in scope, provide an average score for the range that you feel applies.

Organizational Conditions
Unless a special scale is called for by a question, rate the following statements about organizational conditions using the following scale:

5 = strongly agree
4 = agree
3 = neither agree nor disagree
2 = disagree
1 = strongly disagree
DK/NA = do not know or not applicable


Activity (A and B):

A) Read and answer the questions on page 51 regarding the scenario: Leadership analysis based on style strengths and situational needs.

B) Complete the Assessment of Organizational Conditions and Leader Performance (at the back of the book). It will be a useful preview of the course. Share a scanned copy, or simply share some highlights with your group.i will upload it<<<

this is the book ((https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=XFfpMajgggkC&printsec=frontcover&output=reader&hl=en&pg=GB

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