
Assignment B Part two Reflective portfolio

Assignment B Part two  Reflective portfolio;

This assignment consists of one reflective portfolio that will enable you to demonstrate your development across the semester. This assignment forms one part of the 60% for this module along with the ICT assignment.

The word limit for this assignment is 2000 words. This will not include any of the evidence which will form the appendices of your reflective portfolio.
You should consider each learning outcome of the module and provide a brief reflection including your initial self evaluation, how you feel you have developed this particular element over the semester and your planned action for your continued development.
•    Demonstrate skills in critical thinking via research, review and reflection
•    Enhance key and transferrable skills
•    Communicate effectively in written and oral methods
•    Review effective team management and group dynamic capabilities.
•    Develop reflective ability on personal and professional development objectives
•    Demonstrate transferrable employability skills including personal branding and self analysis

You should include any examples of evidence of your development correctly referenced within your writing and these should be included as appendices to your portfolio. Evidence could be feedback from your tutors, peer assessments, models of learning and other supplementary information etc.
This is an academic assignment and as such you should also include a full range of academic citations on models of learning and development, reflection and also associated with the learning outcomes (for example leadership, group dynamics, employability.) For example if you are commenting on your role within your study group, you should consider Dr. Meredith Belbin’s team roles. If you are describing aspects of group work you should cite Tuckman’s models of group formation. These will be discussed within the workshop sessions and some suggestions for further reading can be found in your study skills guide.
Suggested format for the assignment.
It should be noted that as this is a reflective portfolio, the content is obviously very personal to you however you should ensure that you read the criteria carefully in order to meet the learning outcomes of the module.

You could explain your position at the start of the academic year, highlighting any study skills concerns you had at this time.
You should then consider each learning outcome in turn and below are some suggested questions that you could ask yourself to consolidate your reflections.

Learning outcome 1
Demonstrate skills in critical thinking via research, review and reflection
You should provide a reflective narrative detailing your scholastic development across your modules taking into account the nature of assignments and assessment tasks.

You may want to ask yourself :
•    Am I fully conversant with the learning resources available to me?
•    Can I access on line databases?
•    Can I use the electronic journals?
•    Am I able to use the internet effectively?
•    Can I gather information through personal interviews effectively?
•    What challenges have I experienced in finding the right information for an assignment?
•    How am I able to differentiate between the most effective sources of information?
•    Am I able to take one authors’ work and effectively evaluate it?
•    How have I taken feedback and responded to it?
•    Which modules have I developed these skills within?

Learning outcome 2
Enhance key and transferrable skills
You should provide a reflective narrative using your knowledge and understanding of the importance of key and transferrable skills for personal and academic development. You should use material from class workshops and seminars linked to such models of learning and development.

You may want to ask yourself:
•    What are key skills?
•    What are transferrable skills?
•    Why do employers value both?
•    Which are more important and why?
•    What academic evidence is there to support skills development at University?
•    How does my program of study facilitate their development?
•    How do I know when I have achieved something positive?

Learning outcome 3
Communicate effectively in written and oral methods
During your studies you will be expected to complete a variety of written forms of assessment. The course team ensures that each student will complete essays, reports, reflective statements both on an individual basis and also within your study groups. You will also prepare and deliver individual and group presentations using a variety of mediums from informal flip chart presentations to professional electronic presentations to a team of tutors.

•    You should comment on any pieces of work you have completed to date, with any challenges you faced and how these could have been overcome.
•    You must include copies of your tutor feedback from your modules and reflect on the advice they have given you and how you have taken this on board.
•    You must reflect on an on going program of improvement within the research, preparation and construction of assignments.

Learning outcome 4
Review effective team management and group dynamic capabilities.
Teamwork and group work is a vitally important skill at all levels of both academic and professional life. You should provide a reflective narrative underpinned with models of team and group dynamics on your development as an effective team member during your studies.

You could ask yourself:
•    What makes and effective team?
•    Why is it a necessary part of academic life to experience working as part of a team?
•    In what way do I make effective individual contribution to my groups performance?( you should include reference to Belbin’s team roles)
•    What evidence do I have to support this evaluation?
•    Is the team performing effectively? ( you should include reference to Tuckman here)
•    What have been the challenges to group studies and how can these best be overcome?

Learning outcome 5
Develop reflective ability on personal and professional development objectives
You will use the quizzes, tests and self assessment models material on Studentcentral to help you demonstrate how you have considered your development across the first semester of your studies, your personal strengths and any action points for improvements you need to make in order to become a more effective and independent learner. You should consider Kolb’s model of reflection and Honey and Mumford’s learning styles. Your responses to the learning styles class material should be included in your appendices.
Your writing must show the value of reflection as an academic and managerial tool for self development and conduct some personal research into models of learning and reflection in addition to the suggested readings.
Learning outcome 6
Demonstrate transferrable employability skills including personal branding and self analysis

You should reflect upon how you are developing a wide range of personal and transferable skills required for employment.
You should reflect upon your personal profile to ‘ the world of work ‘ including potential employers and other stakeholders and how this could help you to reach your full potential.
You should consult the Career Planning Guide and the online material from Student Services
You could include a reflection on any part time work.
You might want to ask yourself:
•    How is my course developing me personally?
•    How the tasks carried out aid my understanding of what is required to be employable”
•    Will it benefit me to take a placement?
•    How can I make myself more “employable”?
•    Do I have an effective C.V or should be considering some part time, vacation, volunteering work?
•    Have I used all the online material available to add to my portfolio?
•    What are my goals for the remainder of this year / next year?
It is good academic practice to conclude each section in your portfolio with a short summary but the overall conclusion to the entire document should bring all of these points together with a series of personal and professional recommendations for future progression.
Evidence and appendices
These should be neatly presented and listed. You should use the Harvard referencing system for your bibliography. You should think about the most professional method of submitting your portfolio as this assignment is a representation of you as a person and should be something that you could discuss as part on interview process discuss with a potential employer. All evidence and appendices must be scanned into your assignment.

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