Authentic Leadership Research Paper
Scholars, you have come to the end of our language of leadership journey. But, this is just a beginning for your new leadership story. Whether you are an experienced leader or one who is building your leadership portfolio, the Discussions and lessons learned throughout this term have hopefully provided you with new insight into yourself and others. Learning to tell your own leadership story and to engage in the story of others requires reflective insight into who you are as a leader and more importantly, who you are as a person. If this is your last leadership day on earth what will you say about who you are as an individual and a leader? What is your leadership legacy?Post by Day 3 an analysis of your authentic leadership story. Include 34 paragraphs that reflectively describe your leadership story. Include in your reflective analysis your professional and personal leadership evolution. Have you found opportunities to change your leadership style now that you have taken The Language of Leadership course?Note: Support your postings with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. Use correct APA formatting for all resources.The purpose of the Discussion Rubric is to provide guidance on writing and scoring initial postings and responses for Discussions. There are four (4) traits on which all posts and responses are evaluated include: Responsiveness to Discussion Question;Content Knowledge; Quality of Writing; and Contribution to the Discussion. The initial posting and the response will be assessed separately using this Rubric as a guide. At a minimum, the Instructor will provide feedback on traits receiving lowerthan the maximum score. Students will want to consult the Rubric before submitting a post or response to assure meetingthe post/response criteria for proficient (B) or exemplary (A) work. There are a maximum of 40 points for each Discussion.
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