
Autobiographical essay/personal statement:

Autobiographical essay/personal statement:

Paper details:
Iam applying to Adler university (Vanvouver campus ) for masters in counselling. the school that iam trying to get into is very competitive thats why i need your help for a strong and impressive admission letter. Please go over their website and curriculum so in this way you can increase your knowledge about the university and it may help you to answer some of the question such as why do you want to attended to this university. I will give you some information that may help you. I have visited the campus and its small and their class sizes are small and that means there are less people in class. they only have psychology and counselling area majors and i think in this way i will have something in common with other student and you may use these points as a why i want to attend to this university. please note that This school was founded by Adler so according to adler and his theories find something that is relevant to him and mention this is another reason that i want to attend to this university. from their website iam assuming that social justice is really important for this school , so please review it and mention it on the letter. iam attaching my resume so you know who iam and what i did so you can write about How your voulnteering work prepared you for this particular career?why do you think you will be good at it?also iam attaching what in this letter should exactly be included. if you have any question please let me know.

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