
Based on your analysis, evaluate the advertisement from a critical perspective.

Based on your analysis, evaluate the advertisement from a critical perspective.

Please use this advert:

1. Executive summary (250 words)
2. Introduction (200 words)
(including advertisement description and rationale for its choice)
3. Analysis (1400 words)
4. Evaluation (700 words)
5. Recommendations (200 words)
6. Bibliography

Based on your analysis, evaluate the advertisement from a critical perspective.

Assessment Criteria:
1. Analysis (50%): Analyse the advertisement from the point of view of the most
appropriate models, theories and concepts discussed in the module.
2. Evaluation (15%): Based on your analysis, evaluate the advertisement from a
critical perspective.
3. Recommendation (10%): Develop some recommendations to improve the
4. Linkage, Structure and Presentation (25%): The report will not only need to be
consistent with the material covered during the module, but also show coherence
and linkage between the different sections. The structure, presentation and
referencing will also be important.

Based on your analysis, evaluate the advertisement from a critical perspective.

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