
Best buy stores

Best buy stores

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The assignment is about Best Buy stores. Go to http://www.bestbuy.com/
• Scroll to the bottom of the page below Best Buy Brands & Services box.
• Under Product Services, click on Recycling. What kinds of things do they do? What do they do in Oklahoma and Massachusetts? (Choose a state and the program details change to what is being done in that state.)
Go back to Best Buy Brands & Services page and under Corporate Info, click on Community Relations. (What kind of things do they support? What kind of programs do they have?)
• Go back to Best Buy Brands & Services page and also under Corporate Info, click on About Best Buy. (What are they about? What is their history?) Click on About best Buy under Media Tools on the right side of the page and read about their history.
Assignment 1: Tell me what you think about their Recycling and what are some of the things they do? In your opinion, what are they doing for the environment? Write a one page synopsis and tell me what and how you think they are doing.
Assignment 2: What kind of things do they support under Community Relations and what is their history about from “About Best Buy”? Write a two page synopsis and tell me these things and give me your opinion as to what they are doing as a corporation.
Clearly title your paper: Bonus Project_ Your Name_BUS 1053-292_Spring_2015
The paper should be sent to the instructor as a Microsoft Word .doc or .docx file using the link in the Assignment area. Each paper will be graded on its course related content, the application of concepts in the work setting, student’s assessment of the knowledge gained, and the grammar, punctuation, spelling, and neatness of the paper.

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