Best Filial model for marisa
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(case attached and support with apa resources)
For your case client, what do you think is the best model for filial therapy? In your post, explain the choice you made and the reasons behind it. (here I is needed)
Name Marisa
Gender Female
Age 9
Heritage Mother is French-Grecian
Spirituality Practicing Episcopalian
Presenting symptoms Self-injury behaviors, self-depreciatory thinking
Strength areas Over time has begun to respond to her adoptive mother’s attunement and empathic responses to her, although this is intermittent and inconsistent; loves to draw and play piano; strong musical skills
Developmental Delayed in all areas
Diagnosis NA
Family of Origin —
Mother Catherine
Father Unknown
Caregivers Lives with adopted mother
Siblings None
School 4th grade, public school
Socio-economic status Upper middle class
Interests / hobbies Drawing, playing piano
Pets None
Other Marisa was adopted by Catherine, a single mother when she was 26 months old. She spent her first 26 months in an orphanage in Romania and Catherine had to wait for 10 months before Marisa was able to come to America. Marisa hits herself when she feels afraid and when she thinks that Catherine is upset with her. Catherine has been very nurturing and feel deeply saddened and frustrated by how challenging mothering Marisa has been. Marisa does do well in school and has learned to be proficient in English very quickly and easily.
Catherine grew up living with her birth mother and father, whom she still sees occasionally. She has one sibling, an older brother who lives across the country. Catherine describes her parents as fairly nurturing, though harsh at times and not at all understanding of her decision to adopt Marisa. Marisa has been in individual theraplay, while a therapist has worked with Catherine about coming to terms with the severe nature of Marisa’s challenges. Catherine is also in a support group for parents of children who have been adopted and have histories similar to Marisa. Catherine teaches biology at a university near her home, and is able to schedule her classes around Marisa’s school and appointments. She also has recently begun dating Leah, another professor at her school. Catherine has not yet introduced Marisa to Leah, and is beginning to wonder how she will manage this new development in her life with Marisa.
Mother, mother’s new partner
8.MRes Business and Management, BQ7805 Advanced Quantitative Research
Assignment part A (80% of the module mark – approx. 4,000 words)
Please complete one of the two tasks below:
Task 1 Structural Equation Modelling
The following model is a reconceptualisation of the Theory of Consumption Value (TCV) developed by Sheth et al. (1991). The main premise of the model is that the six dimensions of the TCV (money, time, functional, epistemic, emotional and social) should be organised hierarchically (cognitive proceed affective). The proposed functional relationships between the TCV dimensions and their impact on satisfaction are depicted in the below figure.
The data collected through an e-survey amongst post-graduate students can be found in the TCV MRes dataset, all constructs are reflective in nature, the scale items associated with each construct are self-evident and detailed wording is presented below.
Using either covariance or variance (pls) structural equation modelling, test the proposed model (inner/structural and outer/measurement) and report the results.
Scale items
• My degree will allow me to earn a good/better salary
• My degree will allow me to achieve my career goals
• The knowledge I have acquired on my course will enable me to do my current/future job better
• My degree will lead to promotion in my current/future job
• My degree is a good investment in my future
• Taking my course has contributed to my personal development
• The content of my course keeps me interested
• I learn new things from my course
• The course content contributes to the high value of my education
• The academic guidance I receive from lecturers on my course has enhanced the value of my degree
• The supporting material supplied to me on my course have helped my learning
• People who are important to me think that taking my course is a good thing do to
• People who influence what I do think that taking my course is a good idea
• My current/future employer will see me in a better light when I have finished my degree
• The support of my friends and family has been important in helping me through the course
• I feel proud that I’m taking my course
• Taking my course has boosted my self confidence
• Taking my course has fulfilled an ambition of mine
• My performance on the course depends upon my personal effort
• Taking my course has give me a sense of self-achievement
Transaction value
• Enabled our company to provide more extensive services
• Reduced the number of errors made during financial transactions
• Offered our company greater degree of privacy in our financial transactions
• Made a positive change to the quality of financial transactions carried out by our company
• I have had to give up some other interests of mine in order to do this course
• My studies have reduced the time I spend with my family
• My studies have reduced the time I spend with my friends
• I’m happy to make personal sacrifices in taking the course because I believe I will benefit from it in the long term
• The monetary price paid for my course is reasonable when I consider what I am getting out of it
• When considering the monetary price of my course, I believe that the price/quality ration is good
• All things considered, so far I am satisfied with my course
• Overall, so far I believe I am satisfied with my educational experience at KBS
Your answers should contain only RELEVANT SPSS or AMOS or SmartPLS output. All supporting software output must be placed in appendices.
Sheth, J.N., Newman, B.E. and Gross, B.L. (1991), “Why we buy what we buy: A theory of consumption values”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 22 No. 2, pp. 159-170.
Task 2 Logistic regression
The data set cashless_logit.sav contains responses from a survey of opinions towards cashless transactions. The study was designed to investigate the effect of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of cashless payments (the two central concepts in Davis’ 1989 Technology Acceptance Model) on attitudes towards replacing cash. Trust in cashless payment systems as well as demographic information was collected from 320 respondents.
Attitude towards replacing cash was measured using a single question with a yes / no answer. Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness were measured using 4 item scales; trust was measured on a 5 item scale. Age, education level and gender were measured using a set of dummy variables.
The assignment task is to run a binary logistic regression model and report the results. As three of the predictor variables are multi-item scales, their psychometric properties must be assessed before they can be used to create variables which can be included in the logit (e.g by averaging the item scores for each construct) The write up of the results should include an assessment of overall goodness of fit, the statistical significance and impact of the independent variables on the dependent variable and an assessment of the presence or absence of influential cases and outliers.
The report should contain relevant SPSS output. Supporting output may be placed in appendices.
Scale items
Perceived Usefulness
1. Electronic payments and transactions makes it easier to conduct payments
2. Electronic payments are more efficient than cash payments
3. Electronic payments increases my productivity and are less time consuming
4. Electronic payments are more useful and practical than traditional ways of paying
Perceived Ease of Use
1. Electronic ways of paying are generally easy to use
2. It is generally easy to learn new ways of paying or conducting transactions
3. Electronic ways of paying are clear and understandable
4. Electronic payments are easier to use than cash
1. I trust that an electronic transaction of money is private and confidential
2. I trust that electronic payments are processed securely and thereby implies low-risk
3. I trust that my personal information is stored safely when electronic transactions are carried through
4. I trust and rely on the stability of the systems required for electronic payments
5. I believe electronic payments are a safe, stable and consistent way of paying
Marking Criteria for both tasks:
1. Appreciation of the purpose and scope of the analytical technique.
2. Technical competence in the application of the technique, alternatives available and justification of decisions taken.
3. Clarity and justification of exposition – problem statement, selected methods and their suitability, any perceived limitations.
4. Understanding of how the outcome of the analysis relates to a broader set of questions and problems.
5. Quality and integration of related literature cited.
6. Professional standards of presentation.
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