


Geography Paper

Research Topic: My Journal

o You are to take an imaginary journey around the world. During that journey image you keep a journal of the places you visited.
o For this assignment you will share your journal entries for your visit to two foreign countries, each in a different world region.
o Within each journal entry demonstrate your knowledge of the cities or other places that you visited – so you must do research – and describe in some detail the

interesting things you did during your visits. Include in your paper comments on the economic and social challenges the country faces.
o Include maps of your countries as well as basic country data from our text:
o Area, population, HDI, per capita GNI, capital city and its population.
o If you prefer, this paper can be written in the first person as you would write a journal.
o Limit the paper to 4 – 6 pages (must be at least 4 full pages of text, or about 1,000 word count).
o Submit a draft of this paper (at least 3 full pages of text) to turnitin.com by the deadline in the syllabus
o Title page and citations are not required for the draft
o Submit your final paper to turnitin.com by the deadline in the syllabus.

Naturally, if you have already traveled to any of these countries you can take advantage of that knowledge and experience.

Writing Guidelines:

Provide a separate title page that includes the title of your journal, your name, and the date.
The paper must be typewritten, double-spaced, with proper formatting (correct margins, 12 pt. font, page numbering etc.).
Use a standard writing guide such as the MLA or APA Manual for proper formatting.
Columbus State Writing Center can also be of help.
The paper must be over 4 pages long, not including the title page and bibliography. A full page is defined as 1-inch margins on the side and 1½- inch margins at the

top and bottom.
Students may use any written or electronic media as sources for the paper. Written media include such items as magazines, journals, newspapers, books, textbooks, and

atlases. Students may also use an encyclopedia, but the entire collection (whether in written or electronic form) is counted as one source only. Electronic media

include such items as the Internet, FTP sites, CD-ROM, etc.
Provide a separate “Works Cited” or “Bibliography” page at the end of the paper.
A minimum of four sources is required and MUST be properly cited in the bibliography
Use a standard writing guide such as the MLA or APA Manual in properly citing material.

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