Book Length Review of Qualitative Study
In depth critique of a book length qualitative study in leadership in elementary schools. Address Sharing the story and its organization Reflexivity in the narrative The Author’s Selected Research Design Telling the Story: A Chapter by Chapter Analysis Readability Contributions to the field
CURRINS 839 Final Project: Book Length Review of a Qualitative Study 1 Book Length Review of a Qualitative Study1 Directions and Scoring Rubric Overview The assignment provides asks you to do an in-depth critique of a book-length qualitative study. It is one option for your final project. This is because you are asked to bring together and integrate the concepts, issues, and ideas from this class. In other words, your response should address issues related to writing from qualitative research. Six (6) sections frame your response. Within each: Address each required area; Offer an example from the book where indicated; and Support each claim with a reference to the supporting research from both this course and previous coursework. Use each as a heading in your paper to structure your writing. Section I. Sharing the Story and its Organization This section should provide an overview of the story and its structure. Address each of the following: • Briefly summarize the purpose of the study. • Identify the theory framing the author’s approach to qualitative research. Decide whether it is used correctly and offer two citations to support your claim – one identifying the tenets of the selected theory; the other linked to the book. • Describe the strategy the author used to organize the book. Determine if any of the strategies/schemes align with those put forward by Wolcott (2009) or Glesne (2011). If so, identify which one(s) and support each with an example from the book. If the author did not use one of those strategies for organizing the presentation of the data, determine what approach the author selected. • Project what the author wanted to emphasize/accomplish by using the particular organizational scheme he or she selected. • Determine how the author established authority in the text. What does the author’s choice around authority reveal about the theoretical framework he or she selected? Provide one example. • Identify which sources of data are emphasized in the text. Provide one example. • Using Wolcott’s D-A-I framework (1994) as a general guide, explain the author’s choices regarding description, analysis and interpretation. Provide an example of each. Section II. Reflexivity in the Narrative. Address each of the following regarding how the author addressed her or his reflexivity in each step of the research process: • Relationship to the problem being studied; • Selection of the participants; • Choice of theoretical perspective(s); • Choice of methodological tools used to generate data; • Balance of description, analysis, and interpretation in presenting the generated data; and 1 This assessment task draws on the one used by Dr. Pugach in Summer 2010.
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