Business Information Communication Technology Strategy
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INFO 213, S2 2015 Page 1 of 4 Assignment 3
Assignment Decision Support
There are four tasks that you must complete for this assignment:
1. Identify groups of 3-4, and email ( with details of the group membership.
2. As a group – download the customer churn data file for this assignment. Then, prepare the data for analysis, and (using R, or a similar tool) perform two modelling approaches for analysing this data – one prioritising prediction efficacy, the other oriented towards providing domain knowledge.
Submit any scripts that you produce through Blackboard.
3. Also as a group – prepare a document that:
a. Describes the overall problem of customer churn.
b. Describes the data used in this problem.
c. Outlines the roles that each group member played in the completion of the assignment.
d. Outlines the models developed in this assignment, how they perform, and at least one insight about the domain that is discovered through the modelling process.
e. Provides at least one suggestion for extending the modelling process to make it more valuable to the business.
4. Submit this document through SafeAssign on Blackboard.
5. Prepare a group presentation that outlines the overall process (essentially steps a-e of task three) from the group’s perspective.
6. Submit your slides for the presentation through Blackboard
INFO 213, S2 2015 Page 2 of 4 Assignment 3
This assignment asks you to examine the problem of customer churn, which (very loosely) is the likelihood that a customer will cease trading with a given business. As with many problems in business, many insights about customer churn can be acquired through analysis of the data captured in the process of interacting with customers. Your scenario for this assignment is as follows: you have been contracted to do some preliminary analysis for an imaginary telecommunications company who have given you information extracted from their current customer database and other interactions. This information is not complete in either the customer base, or the necessary processing and filtering, but should be sufficient for providing insights into the company’s customer churn rate. Your task is to take this information, and build a preliminary model (or set of models) that predict the likelihood of a customer churning, thus making it easier for the company to target “at risk” customers and then become more efficient in its customer retention strategies.
Note: in this scenario, you are assumed to be inexperienced in the concept of customer churn, so you are expected to do some research into the topic to become familiar with the motivations, terminology and techniques used in the field. The topic of customer churn will be introduced briefly in lectures, but this introduction will not be sufficient to complete your work. This is intended to simulate the real-world scenario of you encountering a modelling problem for the first time, and needing to “bootstrap” to understand the domain.
Task 1 – Group declaration
For this assignment you will work in groups of 3 or 4. You will need to establish this group before Friday, 18th of September by 5pm. Failure to do so will lead to you being placed into a group automatically. All members of the group must email the Course Coordinator to confirm the group; the group is not established until all parties have provided their consent. If you do not allocate yourselves into a group, then a group will be established for you.
Task 2 – Analysis
Once your group has been identified, you (as a group) should begin the exploratory phase of the assignment. This will require you examine the supplied data set (available from Backboard) and perform rudimentary data analysis and modelling. The first thing that you should do is “clean” the data – remove any columns that may impact on the modelling process (e.g., unique identifiers), and recode any variables, if required. You should make a note of any analysis that your group performs.
Once the data has been prepared, you need to start the modelling process – this will require you to select from models discussed in labs (or any other models that you may wish to explore), and suitably apply them to the data. Your analysis needs to focus on two separate paths:
1. Modelling for predictive accuracy – in other words, building predictive models that have been developed in such a way to provide confidence that it will produce good results on new “unseen” instances in the future (i.e., strong generalisation properties). In your analysis, you should compare at least two models and then select one (with justification) for final use.
2. Modelling for explanatory power – in this phase, your goal when developing the model is to extract useful insights into the problem domain. This should produce knowledge that was
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not immediately apparent based upon a rudimentary examination of the data. In this phase, you do not need to worry about generalisation to “unseen” instances, but you will need to convincingly demonstrate (either in text, or preferably graphically) that the insights you identify are present in the data and/or model.
As you are developing your models, you should be documenting the process as notes and executable R scripts. When your analysis is complete, a representative from your group must upload your work to Blackboard – no actual marks are allocated to this step, but the remainder of the assignment will not be marked unless these resources are present.
Task 3 – Report
With your analysis complete, each group must prepare a document (recommended limit of 1500 words) outlining the following:
1. Introduction – what is the problem that you are tackling? What is customer churn, and why is it of importance to businesses? How have other businesses tackled the analysis of customer churn? How is your group going to tackle the analysis?
2. Team structure – describe your group. Who is in the group, and what did they contribute to the analysis/reporting/presentation?
3. Analysis – what did you do to build the analytical models? Essentially, this is a write-up of Task 2.
4. Insights – what did the analysis uncover? In this part, you need to describe the measures used to evaluate the predictive model, and what they tell us about the model (relative to, say, guessing). Also, this is where you should demonstrate/describe the insights garnered from the exploratory analysis performed in Task 2.
5. What next? Finally, you should describe at least two pieces of follow-up work and extension to your analysis that should be undertaken in order to further increase the value of the modelling work that your group has completed.
The final report submitted by each group must be their own work. You also need to cite and reference any material that you use to support statements made in the document (or provide your own evidence in the form of tables and/or charts developed from the source data and models).
Task 4 – Presentation
Finally, your group must prepare a short presentation (10 minutes) that outlines the overall modelling process conducted by the group. Essentially, this will take the insights and discussions from the group’s report and aggregate them in such a way that they are suitable for oral presentation. Therefore, the presentation must be a consensus of the group’s view, and not reflect the views/analysis of just one group member. Although you are free to choose your own presentation structure and format, the presentation must cover the key points of the analysis – what you are doing (and why), the models that were built (and how effective they were), what insights were produced from the analysis, and what should be done as the next step(s).
INFO 213, S2 2015 Page 4 of 4 Assignment 3
Your slides will be assessed under the following criteria:
? Professionalism – are the slides of a suitable quality for presentation? Are they free of errors, slang, excessive jargon, etc.?
? Clarity – are the slides constructed so that separate concepts are presented on separate slides?
? Design – do the slides present an overall consistency in appearance (Note: prettiness should not be prioritised over correctness.)
Your slides must be submitted through Blackboard before 9am on Monday the 5th of October. Late submission of slides will incur a 20% penalty for the entire assignment.
One individual from each group must submit the following to Blackboard:
1. A zip file containing the scripts used to analyse and model the churn data.
2. A PowerPoint presentation, or PDF, of the slides used for the presentation.
3. A PDF containing the group’s report (submitted through SafeAssign).
Failure to adhere to any of these requirements means that your group’s assignment will not be marked.
Marks allocation
The final mark for this assignment is out of 15. 10 marks will be allocated to the report component of the assignment, and the remaining 5 marks will be allocated to the group presentation. A more comprehensive marking schedule will be released closer to the assignment deadline.
You are welcome and encouraged to discuss any of the issues surrounding this assignment, either via email, or in person. The earlier that you do so, the better – if you leave the analysis until very close to the deadline, then you will encounter difficulty, and the resulting deliverables will be of poor quality. You are encouraged to read through this document and identify your queries and any needed clarification as soon as possible (preferably in the first week of this information being made available).
State Account.Length Area.Code Phone International.Plan VMail.Plan VMail.Message Day.Mins Day.Calls Day.Charge Eve.Mins Eve.Calls Eve.Charge Night.Mins Night.Calls Night.Charge Intl.Mins Intl.Calls Intl.Charge CustServ.Calls Churn
KS 128 415 382-4657 no yes 25 265.1 110 45.07 197.4 99 16.78 244.7 91 11.01 10 3 2.7 1 no
OH 107 415 371-7191 no yes 26 161.6 123 27.47 195.5 103 16.62 254.4 103 11.45 13.7 3 3.7 1 no
NJ 137 415 358-1921 no no 0 243.4 114 41.38 121.2 110 10.3 162.6 104 7.32 12.2 5 3.29 0 no
OH 84 408 375-9999 yes no 0 299.4 71 50.9 61.9 88 5.26 196.9 89 8.86 6.6 7 1.78 2 no
OK 75 415 330-6626 yes no 0 166.7 113 28.34 148.3 122 12.61 186.9 121 8.41 10.1 3 2.73 3 no
AL 118 510 391-8027 yes no 0 223.4 98 37.98 220.6 101 18.75 203.9 118 9.18 6.3 6 1.7 0 no
MA 121 510 355-9993 no yes 24 218.2 88 37.09 348.5 108 29.62 212.6 118 9.57 7.5 7 2.03 3 no
MO 147 415 329-9001 yes no 0 157 79 26.69 103.1 94 8.76 211.8 96 9.53 7.1 6 1.92 0 no
LA 117 408 335-4719 no no 0 184.5 97 31.37 351.6 80 29.89 215.8 90 9.71 8.7 4 2.35 1 no
WV 141 415 330-8173 yes yes 37 258.6 84 43.96 222 111 18.87 326.4 97 14.69 11.2 5 3.02 0 no
IN 65 415 329-6603 no no 0 129.1 137 21.95 228.5 83 19.42 208.8 111 9.4 12.7 6 3.43 4 yes
RI 74 415 344-9403 no no 0 187.7 127 31.91 163.4 148 13.89 196 94 8.82 9.1 5 2.46 0 no
IA 168 408 363-1107 no no 0 128.8 96 21.9 104.9 71 8.92 141.1 128 6.35 11.2 2 3.02 1 no
MT 95 510 394-8006 no no 0 156.6 88 26.62 247.6 75 21.05 192.3 115 8.65 12.3 5 3.32 3 no
IA 62 415 366-9238 no no 0 120.7 70 20.52 307.2 76 26.11 203 99 9.14 13.1 6 3.54 4 no
NY 161 415 351-7269 no no 0 332.9 67 56.59 317.8 97 27.01 160.6 128 7.23 5.4 9 1.46 4 yes
ID 85 408 350-8884 no yes 27 196.4 139 33.39 280.9 90 23.88 89.3 75 4.02 13.8 4 3.73 1 no
VT 93 510 386-2923 no no 0 190.7 114 32.42 218.2 111 18.55 129.6 121 5.83 8.1 3 2.19 3 no
VA 76 510 356-2992 no yes 33 189.7 66 32.25 212.8 65 18.09 165.7 108 7.46 10 5 2.7 1 no
TX 73 415 373-2782 no no 0 224.4 90 38.15 159.5 88 13.56 192.8 74 8.68 13 2 3.51 1 no
FL 147 415 396-5800 no no 0 155.1 117 26.37 239.7 93 20.37 208.8 133 9.4 10.6 4 2.86 0 no
CO 77 408 393-7984 no no 0 62.4 89 10.61 169.9 121 14.44 209.6 64 9.43 5.7 6 1.54 5 yes
AZ 130 415 358-1958 no no 0 183 112 31.11 72.9 99 6.2 181.8 78 8.18 9.5 19 2.57 0 no
SC 111 415 350-2565 no no 0 110.4 103 18.77 137.3 102 11.67 189.6 105 8.53 7.7 6 2.08 2 no
VA 132 510 343-4696 no no 0 81.1 86 13.79 245.2 72 20.84 237 115 10.67 10.3 2 2.78 0 no
NE 174 415 331-3698 no no 0 124.3 76 21.13 277.1 112 23.55 250.7 115 11.28 15.5 5 4.19 3 no
WY 57 408 357-3817 no yes 39 213 115 36.21 191.1 112 16.24 182.7 115 8.22 9.5 3 2.57 0 no
MT 54 408 418-6412 no no 0 134.3 73 22.83 155.5 100 13.22 102.1 68 4.59 14.7 4 3.97 3 no
MO 20 415 353-2630 no no 0 190 109 32.3 258.2 84 21.95 181.5 102 8.17 6.3 6 1.7 0 no
HI 49 510 410-7789 no no 0 119.3 117 20.28 215.1 109 18.28 178.7 90 8.04 11.1 1 3 1 no
IL 142 415 416-8428 no no 0 84.8 95 14.42 136.7 63 11.62 250.5 148 11.27 14.2 6 3.83 2 no
NH 75 510 370-3359 no no 0 226.1 105 38.44 201.5 107 17.13 246.2 98 11.08 10.3 5 2.78 1 no
LA 172 408 383-1121 no no 0 212 121 36.04 31.2 115 2.65 293.3 78 13.2 12.6 10 3.4 3 no
AZ 12 408 360-1596 no no 0 249.6 118 42.43 252.4 119 21.45 280.2 90 12.61 11.8 3 3.19 1 yes
OK 57 408 395-2854 no yes 25 176.8 94 30.06 195 75 16.58 213.5 116 9.61 8.3 4 2.24 0 no
GA 72 415 362-1407 no yes 37 220 80 37.4 217.3 102 18.47 152.8 71 6.88 14.7 6 3.97 3 no
AK 36 408 341-9764 no yes 30 146.3 128 24.87 162.5 80 13.81 129.3 109 5.82 14.5 6 3.92 0 no
MA 78 415 353-3305 no no 0 130.8 64 22.24 223.7 116 19.01 227.8 108 10.25 10 5 2.7 1 no
AK 136 415 402-1381 yes yes 33 203.9 106 34.66 187.6 99 15.95 101.7 107 4.58 10.5 6 2.84 3 no
NJ 149 408 332-9891 no no 0 140.4 94 23.87 271.8 92 23.1 188.3 108 8.47 11.1 9 3 1 no
GA 98 408 372-9976 no no 0 126.3 102 21.47 166.8 85 14.18 187.8 135 8.45 9.4 2 2.54 3 no
MD 135 408 383-6029 yes yes 41 173.1 85 29.43 203.9 107 17.33 122.2 78 5.5 14.6 15 3.94 0 yes
AR 34 510 353-7289 no no 0 124.8 82 21.22 282.2 98 23.99 311.5 78 14.02 10 4 2.7 2 no
ID 160 415 390-7274 no no 0 85.8 77 14.59 165.3 110 14.05 178.5 92 8.03 9.2 4 2.48 3 no
WI 64 510 352-1237 no no 0 154 67 26.18 225.8 118 19.19 265.3 86 11.94 3.5 3 0.95 1 no
OR 59 408 353-3061 no yes 28 120.9 97 20.55 213 92 18.11 163.1 116 7.34 8.5 5 2.3 2 no
MI 65 415 363-5450 no no 0 211.3 120 35.92 162.6 122 13.82 134.7 118 6.06 13.2 5 3.56 3 no
DE 142 408 364-1995 no no 0 187 133 31.79 134.6 74 11.44 242.2 127 10.9 7.4 5 2 2 no
ID 119 415 398-1294 no no 0 159.1 114 27.05 231.3 117 19.66 143.2 91 6.44 8.8 3 2.38 5 yes
WY 97 415 405-7146 no yes 24 133.2 135 22.64 217.2 58 18.46 70.6 79 3.18 11 3 2.97 1 no
IA 52 408 413-4957 no no 0 191.9 108 32.62 269.8 96 22.93 236.8 87 10.66 7.8 5 2.11 3 no
IN 60 408 420-5645 no no 0 220.6 57 37.5 211.1 115 17.94 249 129 11.21 6.8 3 1.84 1 no
VA 10 408 349-4396 no no 0 186.1 112 31.64 190.2 66 16.17 282.8 57 12.73 11.4 6 3.08 2 no
UT 96 415 404-3211 no no 0 160.2 117 27.23 267.5 67 22.74 228.5 68 10.28 9.3 5 2.51 2 no
WY 87 415 353-3759 no no 0 151 83 25.67 219.7 116 18.67 203.9 127 9.18 9.7 3 2.62 5 yes
IN 81 408 363-5947 no no 0 175.5 67 29.84 249.3 85 21.19 270.2 98 12.16 10.2 3 2.75 1 no
CO 141 415 340-5121 no no 0 126.9 98 21.57 180 62 15.3 140.8 128 6.34 8 2 2.16 1 no
CO 121 408 370-7574 no yes 30 198.4 129 33.73 75.3 77 6.4 181.2 77 8.15 5.8 3 1.57 3 yes
WI 68 415 403-9733 no no 0 148.8 70 25.3 246.5 164 20.95 129.8 103 5.84 12.1 3 3.27 3 no
OK 125 408 355-7251 no no 0 229.3 103 38.98 177.4 126 15.08 189.3 95 8.52 12 8 3.24 1 no
ID 174 408 359-5893 no no 0 192.1 97 32.66 169.9 94 14.44 166.6 54 7.5 11.4 4 3.08 1 no
CA 116 415 405-3371 no yes 34 268.6 83 45.66 178.2 142 15.15 166.3 106 7.48 11.6 3 3.13 2 no
MN 74 510 344-5117 no yes 33 193.7 91 32.93 246.1 96 20.92 138 92 6.21 14.6 3 3.94 2 no
SD 149 408 332-8160 no yes 28 180.7 92 30.72 187.8 64 15.96 265.5 53 11.95 12.6 3 3.4 3 no
NC 38 408 359-4081 no no 0 131.2 98 22.3 162.9 97 13.85 159 106 7.15 8.2 6 2.21 2 no
WA 40 415 352-8305 no yes 41 148.1 74 25.18 169.5 88 14.41 214.1 102 9.63 6.2 5 1.67 2 no
WY 43 415 329-9847 yes no 0 251.5 105 42.76 212.8 104 18.09 157.8 67 7.1 9.3 4 2.51 0 no
MN 113 408 365-9011 yes no 0 125.2 93 21.28 206.4 119 17.54 129.3 139 5.82 8.3 8 2.24 0 no
UT 126 408 338-9472 no no 0 211.6 70 35.97 216.9 80 18.44 153.5 60 6.91 7.8 1 2.11 1 no
TX 150 510 374-8042 no no 0 178.9 101 30.41 169.1 110 14.37 148.6 100 6.69 13.8 3 3.73 4 yes
NJ 138 408 359-1231 no no 0 241.8 93 41.11 170.5 83 14.49 295.3 104 13.29 11.8 7 3.19 3 no
MN 162 510 413-7170 no yes 46 224.9 97 38.23 188.2 84 16 254.6 61 11.46 12.1 2 3.27 0 no
NM 147 510 415-2935 no no 0 248.6 83 42.26 148.9 85 12.66 172.5 109 7.76 8 4 2.16 3 no
NV 90 415 399-4246 no no 0 203.4 146 34.58 226.7 117 19.27 152.4 105 6.86 7.3 4 1.97 1 no
HI 85 415 362-5889 no no 0 235.8 109 40.09 157.2 94 13.36 188.2 99 8.47 12 3 3.24 0 no
MN 50 415 350-8921 no no 0 157.1 90 26.71 223.3 72 18.98 181.4 111 8.16 6.1 2 1.65 1 no
DC 82 415 374-5353 no no 0 300.3 109 51.05 181 100 15.39 270.1 73 12.15 11.7 4 3.16 0 yes
NY 144 408 360-1171 no no 0 61.6 117 10.47 77.1 85 6.55 173 99 7.79 8.2 7 2.21 4 yes
MN 46 415 355-8887 no no 0 214.1 72 36.4 164.4 104 13.97 177.5 113 7.99 8.2 3 2.21 2 no
MD 70 408 333-1967 no no 0 170.2 98 28.93 155.2 102 13.19 228.6 76 10.29 15 2 4.05 1 no
WV 144 415 354-4577 no no 0 201.1 99 34.19 303.5 74 25.8 224 119 10.08 13.2 2 3.56 1 no
OR 116 415 331-7425 yes no 0 215.4 104 36.62 204.8 79 17.41 278.5 109 12.53 12.6 5 3.4 3 no
CO 55 408 419-2637 no yes 25 165.6 123 28.15 136.1 95 11.57 175.7 90 7.91 11 2 2.97 3 no
GA 70 415 411-1530 no yes 24 249.5 101 42.42 259.7 98 22.07 222.7 68 10.02 9.8 4 2.65 1 no
TX 106 510 395-3026 no no 0 210.6 96 35.8 249.2 85 21.18 191.4 88 8.61 12.4 1 3.35 2 yes
VT 128 510 388-6441 no yes 29 179.3 104 30.48 225.9 86 19.2 323 78 14.54 8.6 7 2.32 0 no
IN 94 408 402-1251 no no 0 157.9 105 26.84 155 101 13.18 189.6 84 8.53 8 5 2.16 4 yes
WV 111 510 412-9997 no no 0 214.3 118 36.43 208.5 76 17.72 182.4 98 8.21 12 2 3.24 1 no
KY 74 415 346-7302 no yes 35 154.1 104 26.2 123.4 84 10.49 202.1 57 9.09 10.9 9 2.94 2 no
NJ 128 415 358-9095 no no 0 237.9 125 40.44 247.6 93 21.05 208.9 68 9.4 13.9 4 3.75 1 yes
DC 82 510 400-9770 no no 0 143.9 61 24.46 194.9 105 16.57 109.6 94 4.93 11.1 2 3 1 no
LA 155 415 334-1275 no no 0 203.4 100 34.58 190.9 104 16.23 196 119 8.82 8.9 4 2.4 0 yes
AR 80 415 340-4953 no no 0 124.3 100 21.13 173 107 14.71 253.2 62 11.39 7.9 9 2.13 1 no
ME 78 415 400-9510 no no 0 252.9 93 42.99 178.4 112 15.16 263.9 105 11.88 9.5 7 2.57 3 no
AZ 90 415 387-6103 no no 0 179.1 71 30.45 190.6 81 16.2 127.7 91 5.75 10.6 7 2.86 3 no
AK 104 408 366-4467 no no 0 278.4 106 47.33 81 113 6.89 163.2 137 7.34 9.8 5 2.65 1 no
MT 73 415 370-3450 no no 0 160.1 110 27.22 213.3 72 18.13 174.1 72 7.83 13 4 3.51 0 no
AZ 99 415 327-3954 no no 0 198.2 87 33.69 207.3 76 17.62 190.9 113 8.59 8.7 3 2.35 4 no
MS 120 408 355-6291 no no 0 212.1 131 36.06 209.4 104 17.8 167.2 96 7.52 5.3 5 1.43 1 yes
ID 77 415 362-9748 no no 0 251.8 72 42.81 205.7 126 17.48 275.2 109 12.38 9.8 7 2.65 2 yes
IA 98 510 379-6506 no yes 21 161.2 114 27.4 252.2 83 21.44 160.2 92 7.21 4.4 8 1.19 4 no
MA 108 415 347-7741 no no 0 178.3 137 30.31 189 76 16.07 129.1 102 5.81 14.6 5 3.94 0 no
VT 135 415 354-3783 no no 0 151.7 82 25.79 119 105 10.12 180 100 8.1 10.5 6 2.84 0 no
KY 95 408 401-7594 no no 0 135 99 22.95 183.6 106 15.61 245.3 102 11.04 12.5 9 3.38 1 no
IN 122 408 397-4976 no no 0 170.5 94 28.99 173.7 109 14.76 248.6 75 11.19 11.3 2 3.05 1 no
AZ 95 408 334-2577 no no 0 238.1 65 40.48 187.2 98 15.91 190 115 8.55 11.8 4 3.19 4 no
MI 36 510 400-3637 no yes 29 281.4 102 47.84 202.2 76 17.19 187.2 113 8.42 9 6 2.43 2 no
NM 93 510 383-4361 no yes 21 117.9 131 20.04 164.5 115 13.98 217 86 9.76 9.8 3 2.65 1 no
CO 141 415 371-4306 no yes 32 148.6 91 25.26 131.1 97 11.14 219.4 142 9.87 10.1 1 2.73 1 no
UT 157 408 403-4298 no no 0 229.8 90 39.07 147.9 121 12.57 241.4 108 10.86 9.6 7 2.59 3 no
MI 120 408 409-3786 no no 0 165 100 28.05 317.2 83 26.96 119.2 86 5.36 8.3 8 2.24 1 no
MA 103 415 337-4697 no no 0 185 117 31.45 223.3 94 18.98 222.8 91 10.03 12.6 2 3.4 2 no
AL 98 408 383-1509 no no 0 161 117 27.37 190.9 113 16.23 227.7 113 10.25 12.1 4 3.27 4 no
DE 125 408 359-9794 no no 0 126.7 108 21.54 206 90 17.51 247.8 114 11.15 13.3 7 3.59 1 no
AZ 63 415 407-7035 no no 0 58.9 125 10.01 169.6 59 14.42 211.4 88 9.51 9.4 3 2.54 1 no
ME 36 510 363-1069 yes yes 42 196.8 89 33.46 254.9 122 21.67 138.3 126 6.22 20 6 5.4 0 yes
NJ 64 510 391-4652 no no 0 162.6 83 27.64 152.3 109 12.95 57.5 122 2.59 14.2 3 3.83 1 no
NV 74 415 355-6837 no no 0 282.5 114 48.03 219.9 48 18.69 170 115 7.65 9.4 4 2.54 1 yes
MO 112 510 409-1244 no yes 36 113.7 117 19.33 157.5 82 13.39 177.6 118 7.99 10 3 2.7 2 no
ID 97 408 328-3266 no no 0 239.8 125 40.77 214.8 111 18.26 143.3 81 6.45 8.7 5 2.35 2 no
NE 46 408 352-7072 no no 0 210.2 92 35.73 227.3 77 19.32 200.1 116 9 13.1 7 3.54 1 no
TX 41 408 370-7550 no yes 22 213.8 102 36.35 141.8 86 12.05 142.2 123 6.4 7.2 3 1.94 0 no
MD 121 510 369-5526 no no 0 190.7 103 32.42 183.5 117 15.6 220.8 103 9.94 9.8 4 2.65 3 no
MS 193 415 329-4391 no no 0 170.9 124 29.05 132.3 95 11.25 112.9 89 5.08 11.6 3 3.13 1 no
NV 130 510 408-4195 no no 0 154.2 119 26.21 110.2 98 9.37 227.4 117 10.23 9.2 5 2.48 2 no
AZ 85 408 354-4445 no no 0 201.4 52 34.24 229.4 104 19.5 252.5 106 11.36 12 3 3.24 1 no
MS 162 415 335-4858 no no 0 70.7 108 12.02 157.5 87 13.39 154.8 82 6.97 9.1 3 2.46 4 yes
MS 61 510 414-8718 no yes 27 187.5 124 31.88 146.6 103 12.46 225.7 129 10.16 6.4 6 1.73 4 yes
TX 92 408 409-5939 no no 0 91.7 90 15.59 193.7 123 16.46 175 86 7.88 9.2 4 2.48 2 no
NE 131 408 331-4902 no yes 36 214.2 115 36.41 161.7 117 13.74 264.7 102 11.91 9.5 4 2.57 3 no
NE 90 415 353-6870 no no 0 145.5 92 24.74 217.7 114 18.5 146.9 123 6.61 10.9 2 2.94 3 no
CA 75 408 355-2909 no no 0 166.3 125 28.27 158.2 86 13.45 256.7 80 11.55 6.1 5 1.65 1 no
NJ 78 415 390-6101 no no 0 231 115 39.27 230.4 140 19.58 261.4 120 11.76 9.5 3 2.57 1 no
TX 82 408 400-3446 no no 0 200.3 96 34.05 201.2 102 17.1 206.1 60 9.27 7.1 1 1.92 4 no
AR 163 408 411-5859 no no 0 197 109 33.49 202.6 128 17.22 206.4 80 9.29 9.1 10 2.46 1 no
AL 91 510 387-2919 yes no 0 129.9 112 22.08 173.3 83 14.73 247.2 130 11.12 11.2 3 3.02 3 no
NY 75 415 374-8525 no yes 21 175.8 97 29.89 217.5 106 18.49 237.5 134 10.69 5.3 4 1.43 5 no
FL 91 510 379-5592 no no 0 203.1 106 34.53 210.1 113 17.86 195.6 129 8.8 12 3 3.24 3 no
AK 127 510 345-8237 no yes 36 183.2 117 31.14 126.8 76 10.78 263.3 71 11.85 11.2 8 3.02 1 no
NV 113 415 422-6690 no yes 23 205 101 34.85 152 60 12.92 158.6 59 7.14 10.2 5 2.75 2 no
DE 110 510 346-2359 no no 0 148.5 115 25.25 276.4 84 23.49 193.6 112 8.71 12.4 3 3.35 1 no
MD 120 415 374-3534 no yes 39 200.3 68 34.05 220.4 97 18.73 253.8 116 11.42 10.5 4 2.84 0 no
MI 157 415 381-4756 no yes 28 192.6 107 32.74 195.5 74 16.62 109.7 139 4.94 6.8 5 1.84 3 no
VT 103 510 390-2805 no no 0 246.5 47 41.91 195.5 84 16.62 200.5 96 9.02 11.7 4 3.16 1 no
VT 117 408 390-2390 yes no 0 167.1 86 28.41 177.5 87 15.09 249.4 132 11.22 14.1 7 3.81 2 yes
MI 140 415 419-9097 no no 0 231.9 101 39.42 160.1 94 13.61 110.4 98 4.97 14.3 6 3.86 3 no
WA 127 408 386-7281 no no 0 146.7 91 24.94 203.5 78 17.3 203.4 110 9.15 13.7 3 3.7 1 no
UT 83 408 380-3561 yes no 0 271.5 87 46.16 216.3 126 18.39 121.1 105 5.45 11.7 4 3.16 1 no
LA 121 408 390-8760 no no 0 181.5 121 30.86 218.4 98 18.56 161.6 103 7.27 8.5 5 2.3 1 no
RI 145 408 366-6730 no yes 43 257.7 97 43.81 162.1 95 13.78 286.9 86 12.91 11.1 4 3 2 no
IA 113 408 395-5285 no no 0 193.8 99 32.95 221.4 125 18.82 172.3 67 7.75 10.6 6 2.86 1 no
NE 117 415 354-3436 no no 0 102.8 119 17.48 206.7 91 17.57 299 105 13.46 10.1 7 2.73 1 no
OH 65 408 336-7600 no no 0 187.9 116 31.94 157.6 117 13.4 227.3 86 10.23 7.5 6 2.03 1 no
RI 56 415 383-6293 no no 0 226 112 38.42 248.5 118 21.12 140.5 142 6.32 6.9 11 1.86 1 no
OK 96 415 362-4596 no no 0 260.4 115 44.27 146 46 12.41 269.5 87 12.13 11.5 4 3.11 5 no
LA 151 408 401-3926 no no 0 178.7 116 30.38 292.1 138 24.83 265.9 101 11.97 9.8 4 2.65 0 no
OH 83 415 370-9116 no no 0 337.4 120 57.36 227.4 116 19.33 153.9 114 6.93 15.8 7 4.27 0 yes
VA 139 510 328-6289 no yes 23 157.6 129 26.79 247 96 21 259.2 112 11.66 13.7 2 3.7 0 no
MO 6 510 350-9994 no no 0 183.6 117 31.21 256.7 72 21.82 178.6 79 8.04 10.2 2 2.75 1 no
FL 115 510 351-4616 no yes 24 142.1 124 24.16 183.4 129 15.59 164.8 114 7.42 9.6 4 2.59 1 no
SC 87 415 360-5779 no no 0 136.3 97 23.17 172.2 108 14.64 137.5 101 6.19 7.1 5 1.92 0 no
VA 141 415 417-4885 no no 0 217.1 110 36.91 241.5 111 20.53 253.5 103 11.41 12 6 3.24 0 no
IA 141 510 406-4710 no yes 36 187.5 99 31.88 241.4 116 20.52 229.5 105 10.33 10.5 5 2.84 3 no
MI 62 415 409-8743 no no 0 98.9 103 16.81 135.4 122 11.51 236.6 82 10.65 12.2 1 3.29 1 no
OK 146 415 335-4584 no no 0 206.3 151 35.07 148.6 89 12.63 167.2 91 7.52 6.1 3 1.65 1 no
DE 92 415 361-9845 no yes 33 243.1 92 41.33 213.8 92 18.17 228.7 104 10.29 12.1 2 3.27 2 no
GA 185 510 366-5699 no yes 31 189.8 126 32.27 163.3 133 13.88 264.8 126 11.92 7.5 3 2.03 1 no
DC 148 415 329-9364 no no 0 202 102 34.34 243.2 128 20.67 261.3 90 11.76 10.9 3 2.94 1 no
AZ 94 408 390-7434 no yes 38 170.1 124 28.92 193.3 116 16.43 105.9 73 4.77 12.8 4 3.46 1 no
AL 32 510 404-9680 no no 0 230.9 87 39.25 187.4 90 15.93 154 53 6.93 6.3 2 1.7 0 no
CO 68 408 338-9398 no no 0 237.1 105 40.31 223.5 105 19 97.4 79 4.38 13.2 2 3.56 1 no
NH 64 408 394-2445 no yes 27 182.1 91 30.96 169.7 98 14.42 164.7 86 7.41 10.6 5 2.86 2 no
NM 25 415 381-2709 no no 0 119.3 87 20.28 211.5 101 17.98 268.9 86 12.1 10.5 4 2.84 3 no
OR 65 415 397-5060 no no 0 116.8 87 19.86 178.9 93 15.21 182.4 150 8.21 14.1 2 3.81 1 no
LA 179 408 415-2393 no no 0 219.2 92 37.26 149.4 125 12.7 244.7 104 11.01 6.1 5 1.65 0 no
NE 94 415 377-1765 no no 0 252.6 104 42.94 169 125 14.37 170.9 106 7.69 11.1 7 3 2 no
MN 62 415 409-2111 no no 0 147.1 91 25.01 190.4 107 16.18 195.2 115 8.78 12.2 3 3.29 0 no
MI 127 415 401-3170 no no 0 202.1 103 34.36 229.4 86 19.5 195.2 113 8.78 11.5 3 3.11 2 no
AR 116 408 405-5681 no no 0 173.5 93 29.5 194.1 76 16.5 208 112 9.36 16.2 10 4.37 3 no
KS 70 408 411-4582 no no 0 232.1 122 39.46 292.3 112 24.85 201.2 112 9.05 0 0 0 3 no
WV 94 510 355-5009 yes yes 23 197.1 125 33.51 214.5 136 18.23 282.2 103 12.7 9.5 5 2.57 4 no
AK 126 415 372-3750 no no 0 58.2 94 9.89 138.7 118 11.79 136.8 91 6.16 11.9 1 3.21 5 yes
NY 67 408 405-2888 no yes 36 115.6 111 19.65 237.7 94 20.2 169.9 103 7.65 9.9 12 2.67 2 no
NH 19 408 361-3337 no no 0 186.1 98 31.64 254.3 57 21.62 214 127 9.63 14.6 7 3.94 2 no
VA 170 51
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