
Are We What We Buy? Entering a Conversation about Brand Marketing

Are We What We Buy? Entering a Conversation about Brand Marketing

Are We What We Buy? Entering a Conversation about Brand Marketing

In essay #4, you will enter in conversation with scholars who have written about branding and marketing from diverse perspectives: Naomi Klein, author of “No Logo,”

and Sally Satel and John O. Lilienfeld, authors of “The Buyologist is In: The Rise of Neuromarketing.” After reading their essays, discussing their ideas with your

classmates, and doing some preliminary Internet research about branding and marketing, you will craft your own essay, anchored by a thesis that makes a contribution to

this conversation. Your audience is educated peers who have read both essays. Respond to the following prompt. (You do not need to produce this prompt in your essay.

If you do, it will not count toward the required word count for the essay.)

Are brands invading our brains? Are we what we buy? Writers as diverse as Naomi Klein and Sally Satel and John O. Lilienfeld suggest that marketing has gone far beyond

simply advertising products to producing lifestyle brands and even marketing to consumers at the neurological level. According to these writers, we seem to have

entered a world where consumers buy ideas, not products. Is this a positive development? Should consumers fear branding and neuromarketing, or do these new techniques

allow customer satisfaction to reach higher and higher levels? Teach your readers what you think is the most appropriate way to respond to corporate branding and/or

neuromarketing. Use the two assigned readings along with your experiences to enter this conversation.

Guidelines for Essay

Length/Due Date: approximately 800-1,000 words, due Sunday midnight Central Standard Time (CST).

Style/Format: This, as all essays in EN106, should be formatted in a standard scholarly format. (Most students follow MLA or APA guidelines, which are outlined in Easy

Writer.) No matter what format you follow, be sure to do the following:

Use 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced.
Use 1-inch margins top, bottom, and sides.
Although no cover page is needed, you should include your name, my name, the course number/title, and date at the upper left-hand corner of the manuscript.

Research & Documentation: This essay must include formal references to the work of Klein and Satel and Lilienfeld. Use your skills of quotation, paraphrase, and

summary to incorporate these writers’ perspectives, and be sure to provide in-text citations using a standard scholarly style, such as MLA or APA. And, of course, you

must also provide appropriate documentation for any other sources you cite.

File format: Please submit your essay as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file. These formats are available in most word processors, including Google Docs and Open Office, and

will ensure that your instructor is able to comment on your work.

Works Cited/References: Your essay should include an appropriate bibliography, with an entry for each individual source you reference in the body of the essay.

Titles: Include a descriptive title at the beginning of your essay that tips your readers off to your thesis. Do not format your title with quotation marks, boldface,

underlining or italics.

Cover pages: Please do not format your essay to include a cover page.

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