Need help Student Project Activity Week 3 Week 3 : Section 3. Document Preview: Student Project Activity Week 3 Week 3 : Section 3.0 Capital Expenditure Budget TCOs Addressed: TCO 10: Given a description of a new business, new product, service or project develop, present and defend the budget . Project Activity Overview Scenario / Summary: Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx to develop and present a Capital Expenditure Budget for your new business startup. Deliverables: Complete Section 3.0: Capital Expenditure Budget in the Budget Proposal Template.docx after doing research about expected capital expenditures. Also, provide calculations in MS Excel template tab 3.0 in the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx. Add section 3.0 to the Budget Proposal Template and save it as YourName_Project_WK3.docx. Add your Capital Expenditure Budget to the worksheet tab labeled Section 3.0 and save as YourName_Worksheet_WK3.xlsx and upload both files to the Week 3 Project Dropbox. Project Tasks: Task 1: Identify items considered capital expenditures for the new business startup. Task 2: Do research to estimate costs of these capital expenditure items. Task 3: Create a capital expenditure budget in the Excel Template Tab labeled Section 3.0 Capital Expenditure Budget. Task 4: Add Section 3.0 of the Budget Proposal Template word document. Make sure the first paragraph of your Executive Summary Section 1.0 and Sales Forecast Section 2.0 are also in the Budget Proposal Template. Also, update your Section 6.0 Works Cited as necessary. Task 5: Save the Excel and Word documents, and submit them to the Week 3 Project Dropbox. Grading Criteri a Description Suggested Points Capital Expenditure Items have been correctly identified. 3 Costs of these items appear reasonable and based on primary research. 3 The Capital Expenditure budget is properly constructed in the Excel Template and calculations appear correct. 2 The Capital Expenditure section of the Word Attachments: Week-3-Assign.docx Papa-Geo-s-Co.docx SALES-FORECAS.xlsx Project-Budge.docx Project-Budge.docx
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