
Care Ethics

Topic: Care Ethics

Order Description

Course: Thinking and Doing Ethics

Reading assignments:
pp. 240-251 and 254-256 from textbook: Burnor, Richard and Yvonne Raley. Ethical Choices: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy with Cases. Oxford University Press, 2011. pp. 240-251 and 254-256

Website: https://www.iep.utm.edu/care-eth/

PAPER: Submit critical case analysis of Case #7 from Textbook: Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan. Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues. McGraw-Hill. Ninth Edition

Chapter: Contemporary Ethical Controversies in Medicine

Case# 7
In testing a patient’s blood, a doctor learns that the patient has AIDs. He tells the patient, who says, “I don’t want my wife to know I have the disease.” Should the doctor honor the patient’s request, or should he tell the wife?

Grading Guide:
1. Summarize the main problem and its setting. List possible ways of responding to the problem. By use of elaboration and/or the relevant concept. Define all moral principles and theories that are directly applicable to the problem/case.

2. Identify and justify the one moral principle or theory from the reading assignment that you think is best. Acknowledge the existence of more than one point of view in the reading assignment. Explain why the other possible point of view are unacceptable to directly address the identified problem.

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