Case Reflections/ mission case
Case Reflections:
• Students will apply the course’s content to real world cases in higher education. As the graded assignment each will write a 3 page reflection paper. Connecting one or two themes of the class content to the provided case.
1. What are the implications of a shifting mission for institutional planning in this case?
2. In regard to faculty specifically, what role does institutional planning play in addressing faculty who are quietly resisting the striving mission and who may not have the professional, personal, and perhaps most importantly the emotional desire to re-craft their career in new ways?
• In the reflection paper, use only one to two sentences to summarize the case. The paper is to contain your reflections on how to address the issues based upon what you have read and learned in class.
• Use Case Planning and Mission file as samples
• Use file Starting at the Beginning and the Two-Good Framework as supporting reading
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