
Case study report and presentation

Case study report and presentation

Assessment Task 1 ‘Small CLN’ Class Case Study Presentation and Written Submission.

Word Limit (Paper): 2000 words including all figures, tables and references, plus an Executive Summary 250 words
Time Limit (Presentation): 15 minutes, 5 minutes Question and Answer
Weighing: 40% (25% Paper, 15% Presentation)
Session 12
Text Chapter 11
Strategizing Within the Organisational Context
Case Study: 7 Days Inn
Prescribed Texts
De Wit, B and Meyer, R 2014, Strategy: Process, Content, Context, 5th ed, Cengage Learning, Andover, UK.

Same the last order number (81407223) that you did for me. But this time its group report and presentation, the case study is (7 Days Inn: Operation strategy) and you should relate the case study with the topic Strategizing Within the Organisational Context, you should use the theory from the topic.
So my part will be as flowing:
1.    External Environment, Industry Environment and Critical Success Factors.
2.    Company Analysis.
(1000word) because my friend he will write 1000 about the SWAT and recommendation.
So after you finish written the report, need one PowerPoint slide for each part. (Each slide must have at less one picture) .
That mean one slide for External Environment, one slide for Industry Environment, one slide for critical success factors, and one slide for company analysis.
In the slide just put some points, and writ for me on the speech the explanation that I can read from don’t use long word or hard word for read ( my part only 6 minutes )
Purpose: To apply the tools and techniques of strategic analysis and the ‘Small CLN’s’ understanding of the strategy process to a practical case study situation.
Process/Assessment: Refer Hubbard (1996, 2000) for instructions on analysing a case study. All the information needed to respond to the case is provided in the case, the text, and class materials. The External Links available in the Distributed Learning System provides another useful and practical available resource. No specific questions are given for the case. ‘Small CLNs’ should analyse the case situation and also make recommendations as to what the company and/or individual(s) in the case should do.
The analysis should address four issues:
1-External Environment, Industry Environment and Critical Success Factors.
2-Company Analysis.
4-Recommendations, including justifications, of how the organisation should address these key issues.
The recommendations should be consistent with the analysis and pick up all major issues identified in the analysis. The subject leader will be looking for the ‘Small CLN’ to identify, prioritise and address the key issues impacting shareholder and stakeholder value and discuss/debate this in class. ‘Small CLNs’ will be assessed on their Question and Answer performance.
The case study is a valuable teaching and learning tool and an exercise in business writing. Attention should be given to grammar, presentation and the logic of the argument. If you would not give the case you have prepared to your immediate report in the workplace then think again about presentation before submission to the Subject Leader.
The Case Study must be referenced using the Author/Date system. Assignments must be checked through TurnItin.

The Readings list:

Cyert, R. M. (1990) Defining leadership and explicating the process. In Strategy – process, content, context (2004) eds. B. De Wit and R. Meyer, Singapore: International Thomson (pp. 496-499).

De Geus, A. (1988) Planning as learning. Harvard Business Review , 66 (2), pp. 70-74 http://findit.lib.rmit.edu.au:9003/sfx_local?genre=article&atitle=Planning%20as%20learning&title=Harvard%20Business%20Review&date=1988&volume=66&issue=2&__char_set=utf8

De Wit, B. and Meyer, R. (eds.) (2004) Strategy – process, content, context , Singapore: International Thomson (Chapter 9).

Finkelstein, S. (1992), Power in top management teams: dimensions, measurement and validation. Academy of Management Journal , 35 (3) pp. 505-538 http://findit.lib.rmit.edu.au:9003/sfx_local?genre=article&atitle=Power%20in%20top%20management%20teams:%20dimensions%2C%20measurement%20and%20validation&title=Academy%20of%20Management%20Journal&date=1992&volume=35&issue=3&__char_set=utf8

Hambrick, D. C. (1987) The top management team: key to strategic success. California Management Review , 30 (1), pp. 88-108 http://findit.lib.rmit.edu.au:9003/sfx_local?genre=article&atitle=The%20top%20management%20team:%20key%20to%20strategic%20success.%20&title=California%20Management%20Review&date=1987&volume=30&issue=1&__char_set=utf8

Lord, R. G. and Hall, R. J. (2005) Identity, deep structure and the development of leadership skill. The Leadership Quarterly , 16, pp. 591-615 http://findit.lib.rmit.edu.au:9003/sfx_local?genre=article&atitle=Identity%2C%20deep%20structure%20and%20the%20development%20of%20leadership%20skill&title=The%20Leadership%20Quarterly&date=2005&volume=16&issue=4&spage=591&epage=615&aulast=lord&__char_set=utf8

Stacey, R. (1993). In Strategy – process, content, context (2004) eds. B. De Wit and R. Meyer, Singapore: International Thomson (pp. 500-505).

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