CHC50612 Diploma of Community Services Work (2)
CHCCM503C Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management CHCCW503A Work intensively with clients
The purpose of this assessment is to give you practice in negotiating outcomes with clients using win-win negotiation strategies when making changes to the case management plan. The purpose of the second part of the assessment is to give you practical experience in completing closure documentation.
Unit Code/ Name CHCLD415A Confirm Client Development Status
Program Code / Name CHC50612 Diploma of Community Services
Teacher/Assessor Name Claire Watts
Assessment No AS2
Assessment Title Simulated workplace activity and report.
Due Date 12/11/15
Assessment Purpose
The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate your ability to understand and apply the theoretical knowledge of developmental stages in order to assess their functioning in all three domains and your ability to evaluate your performance as an interviewer through reflection on your work.
Assessment Details
Development Status Report:
You are required to undertake an interview for Assessment 2. This will involve an interview and report on an adult or adolescent as per the guidelines below. The report also requires you to reflect on your performance as an interviewer.
You are required to submit a report following one or more interviews with a subject adult or adolescent person of your own choosing. You may also interview other relevant persons to gain information as long as the interviewee has consented to you speaking with the other person/s.
It is important that you choose a subject adult or adolescent person who is able to provide you with the information you need to complete this assessment. For this reason it would not be suitable to interview a person with very limited language abilities or limited capacity to give informed consent.
You can choose a subject adult or adolescent person who is at any stage of adult human development.
The following information should be included in your report:
• A name for the subject adult or adolescent person (It is required that the name is not their real name)
• Evidence of the subject person’s consent to the interviews and gathering of information. (note the consent will be cited by the teacher but not kept in evidence as it will contain identifying information)
• The stage of development of this person e.g. early ,middle or late adulthood
• Information about the social context in which the person lives – refer to Bronfennbrenner’s ecological system in Topic 2 to help with this. Remember to include any cultural factors.
• Client profile including developmental history and/or developmental milestones and/or significant events during their childhood and adulthood including
a. The person’s physical development and an attempt at assessing whether they are meeting the milestones for this stage.
b. The person’s cognitive development and an attempt at assessing whether they are meeting the milestones for this stage.
c. The person’s psycho-social development and an attempt at assessing whether they are meeting the milestones for this stage.
• The report material includes reference to appropriate theoretical frameworks of Lifespan Development.
• The report demonstrates your understanding of legal requirements in interviewing people e.g. Privacy Act, abuse reporting procedures
• A reflection on your performance as an interviewer, both positive and negative, including the impact of your own value framework on the interview. For example you may find your values are in conflict with the interviewee – how did you respond to this?
• The report is of sufficient length to provide an appropriate client assessment and demonstrates sound understanding of developmental theory/s and processes
Specific requirements to be included in assessment
Word Count Guideline 1000-1500
Format & Structure Report style, with appropriate headings
Referencing requirements APA referencing. In-text referencing and a reference list is required for this.
Refer to the GCIT APA Referencing Guide on my.TAFE or on the GCIT Library Subject Guide Home Page
File Name Save your work on your desk top or USB with the following name:
[your surname]_ [your first name.]_CHCLD415A_AS2
Example: Smith_John_ CHCLD415A _AS2
Submission Upload your submission by clicking on the CHCLD415A Assessment Task 2 Submit tab on my.tafe
Referenced in PR-084 Learning and assessment procedure
Student Name
Student Number
Unit Code / Name CHCLD415A Confirm Client Development Status
Program Code / Name CHC50612 Diploma of Community Service Work
Assessor Name Claire Watts
Assessment No. AS02 Date of Assessment 12/11/15
Assessment Method 1 Simulated workplace activity 1 Written report
Brief Description of Task Simulated workplace activity with written report
Did the student meet the following criteria: Result Comments
Evidence of preparation including notation of written consent cited
0 S
0 U
Provided a comprehensive family profile and background
0 S
0 U
Provided a comprehensive client profile including developmental history and/or developmental milestones and/or significant events.
0 S
0 U
Provided a comprehensive client profile that examines current functioning including social, emotional, cognitive and physical development and influences these have on client and/or others
0 S
0 U
Provided evidence to support the development assessment/conclusions/interpretation
0 S
0 U
Effectively assessed client’s development and related to appropriate theoretical frameworks
0 S
0 U
Demonstrated your understanding of legal requirements in interviewing people e.g. Privacy Act, abuse reporting procedures
0 S
0 U
Reflected on own performance as an interviewer, both positive and negative, including the impact of own value framework on the interview 0 S
0 U
The report is of sufficient length to provide an appropriate client assessment and demonstrates sound understanding of developmental theory/s and processes 0 S
0 U
Feedback to candidate (Including additional requirements for reassessment if applicable)
The Students overall result was: Satisfactory 0
Unsatisfactory 0
Resit Required 0
This signature confirms that the student has participated in the assessment item and received feedback on the result
Assessor Signature: Date:
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