
CHCCS500B Conduct complex assessment and referral

CHCCS500B Conduct complex assessment and referral

The purpose of this assessment is for you to analyse the provided case study; identify the client’s needs, develop an action plan and provide appropriate referrals.

Unit Code/ Name

CHC50612 Diploma of Community Services Work

Program Code / Name

CHCCS500B Conduct complex assessment and referral

Teacher/Assessor Name

Simone Silberberg
Assessment No. AS2

Assessment Title

Case Study Worksheet

Due Date

5 October 2015
Assessment Purpose
 The purpose of this assessment is for you to analyse the provided case study; identify the client’s needs, develop an action plan and provide appropriate referrals.


Assessment Details
Read the below simulated workplace scenario, then provide your responses to the following questions:,


  1. Briefly outline three (3) rights and responsibilities of the community services worker to:

a)     The client (Salat)

b)    The agency

c)     Any stakeholders and significant others.

  1. Conduct an initial assessment, outlining the key issues identified by the community services worker in the scenario.
  2. What type of assessment would be most appropriate to use in this scenario (i.e. domain based, norm based, competency based) and why?
  3. Individuals view situations in different ways. Consider the scenario, then identify
    1. What Salat would list as his top five issues
    2. What his wife would list as Salat’s top five issues
    3. What the community services worker would list as the top five concerns of this case.

List the issues in order of priority for each perspective and provide a brief rationale.

  1. Identify and briefly discuss one theoretical framework that could be used to assist in prioritising needs.
  2. Using this framework identify at least 2 needs to commence working on with the client, and then develop an initial case plan using the template below. Set appropriate goal/s and actions for each need you have Identified
  3. Name at least one agency on the Gold Coast that could be an appropriate referral for Salat and explain why.
  4. Outline two ways that the community services worker can monitor and review the effectiveness of the case plan, and the overall assessment and referral process.


NB. Your assessment of this case study must be linked to theory and appropriately referenced.



Specific requirements to be included in assessment

Word Count Guideline

Word count is varied depending on question. You can use bullet points to provide succinct and comprehensive answers

Format& Structure

Copy and paste questions into a Word document and provide your answers under each question. Include a completed Action Plan

Referencing requirements

APA Referencing is required.

File Name

Save your work with the following name:[your surname]_[your first name]_[unit code]_[assessment number]

Example: Bond_James_CHCCS500B_AS2


Upload your submission by clicking on the CHCCS500BAssessment Task 2 Submit tab my.TAFENote: Watch the help video located in the assessment tab for assessment upload instructions.



Simulated Workplace Scenario

Client:  Salat Amali


Salat presents at the local neighbourhood centre asking to see a community services worker   He is quite agitated and says to the receptionist that he “needs a job”. The worker staffing the reception desk explains that a worker will be available to see him and will try to assist him. Salat confirms he does not require the services of an interpreter. Salat is provided with information about the service including an explanation of the limits to confidentiality. Salat provides identifying details such as names, dates of birth, address and contact numbers.


The worker takes Salat to a private interview room.  The following is a summary of the information Salat provided to the worker:


Salat came to Australia as a refugee from Somalia 8 years ago at the age of 26. In his teenage years he saw a lot of community violence and killings. He is married and his wife is also from Somalia, she did not however witness violence and killings.  Salat states he has been “violent to his wife when he is feeling frustrated.”


Salat advises that has just lost his job. He states he was called a ‘lazy black bastard’ by the supervisor. He says he was “not lazy on the job only tired”. He was working 12 hour shifts each day to make money.  He was suffering from sleep deprivation.


He says he wakes at night “screaming” as he relives violent episodes in his dreams. Salat says his wife Tehrani wants him to get personal counselling to deal with the trauma he internalised in his memory. She also wants to have some relationship counselling because they are fighting. Salat says he is refusing to have sex with his wife as he believes she is “interested in another man who lived down the street.” Salat repeated these statements about his wife throughout the interview.


Salat said he wanted help in getting another job, which is important to him. He said he was also willing to have counselling as it is important to his wife who had threatened to leave if things did not improve.


The following is the initial dialogue, which occurred between the worker and Salat:


Salat is waiting in reception when you approach him for his appointment. He is slumped in the chair in reception his eyes are glassy, he sits up fast when you come into reception to greet him.


Terry: Hi Salat, my name is Terry and I’ll be seeing you today, did you find your way to our offices ok?


Salat: Yes, thankyou


Terry: Great, well would you like to come through and we’ll find a room, would you like a drink of water?


Salat: No thank you, I’m fine.


Terry opens a door into a private room. It is well lit with natural light, has an indoor plant in the corner, a number of comfortable chairs, and some nature posters on the walls as well as some information on the counselling service Terry works for at another local community service on a side table. Reception is aware Terry is in with Salat, all rooms are fitted with panic alarms as part of the organisations WHS requirements. Terry sits closest to the door as he does with all clients at the first session. Salat chooses from three other seats in the room.


Terry: So as I said my name is Terry, I just wanted to start by asking how you heard about our service?


Salat: Well my wife found out and gave me the number so I called up and made an appointment.


Terry: Ok, and have you been to a community service before?


Salat: No this is the first time


Terry: Right well maybe if I just take a minute to explain about our service and what you can expect then I’m interested to hear why you’ve come today, is that ok?


Salat: Yes that’s fine.


Terry: Great, well the aim of our service is to work with people to work through problems or try to help them to achieve their goals more generally. In our sessions we look together at what types of things you may wish to change or improve on and we make a plan together. It’s important to say what you tell me is confidential, which means I am by law bound to not tell anyone about things you say to me. I will however keep notes and talk with my supervisor so I can make sure we offer you the best service. The only time I would have to break this agreement is if you tell me you are planning to hurt yourself or someone else. We normally offer six sessions during working hours before we see how the plan is going, and if we need to change the plan or continue with more sessions. It’s also important to say I am here to assist you, meaning we work together at your pace and what you wish to work towards.  If there are particular things that you need that our service cannot offer we will see what other services are around that can help. Does this sound like what you expected from our service? Is there anything else you need from the service?


Salat: Well, I knew it was a place to talk about problems but I also thought you could help me get a job. I really need to get a job.


Terry: Right ok, so the main reason you’ve come today is because you want help finding a job?


Salat: Yes that’s right, can you help me?


Terry: Sounds like that’s really important to you, we can talk about linking you in with Networks Employment agency… before we do that, is there any other reasons why you’re here today?


Salat: Well I’ve lost my job and I really need to get another job, but also my wife wanted me to get some counselling, she wants us to get relationship counselling?


Terry: ah-huh


Salat: We’ve been arguing a lot, I don’t think she realises how stressful it’s been for me losing my job, which was unfair, and I just haven’t been sleeping well.


Terry: So you’ve been arguing a lot, lost your job unfairly, and you haven’t been sleeping well… that does sound stressful, can you tell me more about the situation?


Salat: I’ve been working very long hours to support my wife, trying to be a good husband, we’ve been in Australia for 8 years and, and…


Terry: (silent nodding)


Salat: These bloody people at work calling me a lazy bastard when I’m working so hard with very little sleep. I was working in a factory 12 hours a day trying to be a good husband, trying to fit in… I just really want to get a job.


Terry: Sounds like you’re feeling unappreciated and people don’t understand the stress you’re experiencing, would that be right? (Salat nods) I heard you say you really need to get a job, part of what I can do is to help talking through stressful situations, you’ve mentioned your wife a number of times, how do you think she sees the situation?




Case Plan

Client Name:





Identified Need:   
Goals Action (steps to try) Responsible Person Target date Review Date







Identified Need:   
Goals Action (steps to try) Responsible Person Target date Review Date







Student Name   Student Number
Student Email   Student phone number
Unit Code / Name CHCCS500B Conduct complex assessment and referral
Program Code / Name CHC50612 Diploma of Community Services Work
Assessor Name Simone Silberberg
Due Date 5 October 2014 First Submission Date
Assessment No AS2 Resubmission Date
Assessment Method Case Study Worksheet
Brief Description of Task This assessment requires the analysis of a case study, identifying the client’s strengths and needs, developing an action plan that includes goals and strategies and providing appropriate referrals.  The assessment is linked to theory and appropriately referenced. 
Did the student meet the following criteria:Note: Ensure that the marking criteria aligns with the Elements and Performance Criteria identified for this assessment in the Unit Assessment Plan FM-342

Please add rows as required

Result1st submission


Result2nd submission


Identified roles and responsibilities of the worker  SU




Provided an initial assessment of the case study and identified an appropriate type of assessment for this case  SU




Recognised different perceptions of need  SU




Demonstrates an ability to apply theory in the identification of needs.  SU




Demonstrates an ability to develop an action plan outlining appropriate goals and strategies to meet the client’s needs  SU




Demonstrates an ability to identify appropriate referrals  SU




Provided two strategies to monitor and review the assessment and referral process, and the case plan.  SU






1st SubmissionFeedback to candidate (Including additional requirements for reassessment if applicable) 









The Students overall result was: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Resit Required
This signature confirms that the student has participated in the assessment item and received feedback on the result
Assessor Signature Date



Resubmission (if applicable) Resubmissions will only be granted if the teacher considers that you have made a genuine attempt at the first assessment.  NOTE: Teachers are required to retain the original marked assessment and return a copy to the student.   Feedback to candidate (Including additional requirements for reassessment if applicable)











The Students overall result was: Satisfactory                                     Unsatisfactory
This signature confirms that the student has participated in the assessment item and received feedback on the result
Assessor Signature Date





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