
Children of Heaven: A Brief Analysis of Planning and Related Issues Regarding Urban and Rural Environments

Children of Heaven: A Brief Analysis of Planning and Related Issues Regarding Urban and Rural Environments

Order Description

Movie Name: Children of Heaven. NO SUMMARY of the film is needed. We want your analysis of the film on two to three issues relating to planning, design, environment, culture, and/or society. Be sure to write a very succinct paper with intro, body, and conclusion. 1. Think of a position on a major planning or related issue you would like to analyze for the movie.
2. Think of 2-4 statements/planning issues that support your position.
3. In your intro paragraph, clearly state your position (identified in #1) and briefly mention your supporting statements (#2).
4. Each paragraph after your intro should be dedicated to explaining ONE of your supporting statements. You may use specific examples from the movie to provide further support and evidence.
5. Write a concluding paragraph that essentially wraps up your position, and ideally provides sheds sort of new light based on the arguments provided in the body of the paper.
Email the TAs with any questions.

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