China’s trade and investment relations with African countries.
1.The paper should be divided into sections such as:Introduction, Review of the literature, data and methodology, main issues/findings, and conclusions,and references.It should contain an abstract which be written before the introduction. The abstract should be limited to about 250 words. The abstract should indicate the main objectives, methods, and findings of the paper. Different sections of the paper should have headlines.
2.Footnotes and references in the paper should follow a consistent format. you may follow the format of American Economic review.
3.If the paper is empirical, it should contain relevant/recent data. Main statisticl tables should be included within the paper(with appropriate heading) rather than as an appendix.Main findings from statistical tables should be fully discussed in this paper. sources of data should be clearly indicated. less relevant statistical information may be included in the appendix. The paper should not contain more than ten statistical tables. Some sources pf data fpr omtermatopma; trade are: IMF, World Bank, online trade data of industry Canada, UNCTAD, International Trade Centre, the Wto, the European Union, and the OECD.
4.The paper size maybe within the range 15-20 pages and the paper should not attach photocopies of materials form books, journals and other sources.
5.Any graphs in the paper should be clearly drawn with headings and labels.
6.Different sections of the paper should be coherently written and should be consistent with the objectives. It is better to concentrate on some narrow aspects of a topic rather than all aspects.
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