
CIS112 Introduction to Computing

CIS112 Introduction to Computing

MS Database Paper

Due: Sunday midnight of Unit 6

Write a research paper to address database functionality and their use in the real world.  Address the following specifically:

  • General features of a database
  • An overview of the major objects in an Access database
  • At least one database application in your chosen career

The paper must meet the following requirements:

  • APA style Word document
  • 1-2 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page
  • At least 2 resources cited

Refer to the next page for the grading criteria.


Grading Rubric

Criteria Deficient Needs Improvement Proficient Points Earned
  0-19 points 20-29 points 30 points  
Database Features Does not address the majority of the key features of a database or significantly lacking in detail. Addresses most key features of a database in sufficient detail. Addresses all key features of a database in sufficient detail.
  0-19 points 20-29 points 30 points  
Access Objects Does not address the majority of the major access objects or inadequate explanation provided. Most major access objects are identified and adequately explained. All major access objects are identified and adequately explained.
  0-19 points 20-29 points 30 points  
Career Application Does not provide a career application or significantly lacking in detail. At least one career application provided but detail is lacking or indicates an unclear understanding of database functionality in the workplace. At least one career application provided with sufficient detail indicating a clear understanding of database functionality in the workplace.
  0-4 points 5-9 points 10 points  
Grammar & Mechanics Does not demonstrate proficiency in grammar and APA mechanics. Lacks organization, logic and clarity. Inconsistently demonstrates proficiency in grammar and APA mechanics. Mostly organized, logical and clearly articulated. Demonstrates a high level of proficiency in grammar and APA mechanics. Organized, logical and clearly articulated.


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