CIT 235: Information Security
Assignment 2 – Short Project
Research the topic and then
(1) Prepare about a 5 page technical report (minimum 1500 words excluding references), and
(2) Prepare an 8-minute presentation
Prepare your report carefully. To achieve a good grade your work needs to be clear, concise, in a technical format with proper referencing. Marks will be lost for grammatical and spelling errors. Please ensure that all writing is your own. If I suspect that another person has done any part of the writing then you will receive no marks for the complete assignment.
At the front of the document please describe clearly how the work was done and how the writing was done i.e. what you did and what the process was.
The presentation marks will be awarded for
- Structure of presentation and description of your findings
- Presentation skills
- Quality of your slides
If you have not previously given a presentation you should do some research on “how to give an effective presentation”. A lot of information is available on the Internet. Here are a few important points:
- Be natural and talk to the audience – just like you are telling them a story
- Maintain eye contact with the audience and look at every person in the eyes for a few seconds
- Do not read the slides (you should know your material well)
- Do not read from prepared notes
- Do not put too much information on the slides. It is best to just put main points
- Do not stand motionless – walk and talk and move your hands
Format of a Technical Report
It should have the following format:
1.0 Abstract.
This short section of just a few sentences summarizes the content of the report
2.0 Introduction
This section introduces the reader to your topic and provides some background
3.0 Heading 1
Choose an appropriate heading and start writing the main body of your report
3.1 Sub-heading
4.0 Heading 2
You may have two or three or more main sections i.e 3.0 , 4.0, 5.0, etc
X.0 Conclusion
Summarize the main points of your report. Just a few sentences
Y.0 References
Use a proper referencing style. See
For further information on how to write a technical report/ research paper look at examples on the Internet or ask your instructor.
Additional important points:
- Use one style of text
- Keep to one font size. Do not use font sizes above 12.
- Avoid the use of colored text
- Only use graphics when they are part of a figure or diagram
- Do not try to make your report look “pretty”. Do not use any form of graphics to try making it look “fancy”.
- The report should contain a minimum of 1500 words. (A page contains approximately 300 words)
Topic: UAE Cybercrime Laws
Discuss the current legislation here in the UAE to fight cybercrime. What are the main types of laws that other countries have for cybercrime? Have there been any big cybercrimes here in the UAE? What steps is the UAE taking in its fight against cybercrime?
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