
Collaborative Service Delivery and Paraeducators

Collaborative Service Delivery and Paraeducators

Collaborative Service Delivery and Paraeducators

Collaborative Service Delivery and Paraeducators.Please answer accordingly and use APA format 6th edition. Please make sure the references are formatted correctly.

With the implementation of Common Core State Standards, the role of paraeducators has never been more critical in working collaboratively with special and general
education teachers and contributing to the educational experiences of students with SD across all educational settings.

Reflect on your past or present experience with paraeducators and your understanding of their role and your leadership role in the provision of FAPE for students with
ID and ASD from Westling, Fox, and Carter (2015). In three to four paragraphs, critically discuss the following:

How does the support and preparation of paraeducators improve equitable opportunities in the service delivery for students with SD?

How does Special Education teacher leadership directly impact the quality of paraeducator performance in assurance of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) on
behalf of students with severe intellectual disabilities and ASD?

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