
communication marketing management

communication marketing management

  Task Stream 1 & 2 – All Students. Develop an ORIGINAL IMC plan for a specific target market (TM) (narrow as you like) that will communicate a product or service (real or potential) to that specific TM for specific results. This will include the development of a campaign and creative to take the identified audience (TM or other influencers) from need recognition to consumption and loyal customer using a variety of promotional techniques, media choices and timing. You will reflect the theory you have learned in this subject throughout this assessment to produce a report or other mechanism to communicate to the marker your grasp of IMC and its application in the current environment. Feel free to use a work related product or service or one that you dream of launching one day. Make sure your IMC plan is a good communication in itself – well signposted and structured to ensure time poor executives can understand the key components and actions. The word limit of this report will require you to utilise tables, graphics, flowcharts, images and other tools to make this a concise and easily communicable report that is targeted at your Marketing Director or CMO. There is no budget restriction on this project. This report would traditionally be presented in a paper based format, however, given this is a communications subject please feel free to investigate a creative way to communicate and present this report via a web site, video or podcast, blog etc. Be sure it meets the needs of assessment and includes your references. To utilise this option you will need to submit files/links directly to your lecturer. Ask for a confirmation or reciept to ensure you meet subject terms!

Marking criteria:
There are five important elements to be assessed in the assessment:

The presentation and style of report.

The effort that went into research and the assessment. Have you answered all parts of the assessment task?

Creativity shown in developing a communication plan to solve a business problem/opportunity.

Relating marketing communications theory to practice.

Demonstrated understanding that marketing communications are not created in a vacuum, so contemporary customer needs and media preferences need to be taken into account.

In addition think carefully about the type and style of presentation your organisation and marker might expect and utilise the resources you have available to meet that need. Clearly the presentation requires you to go beyond traditional academic writing to make and communicate your case – think how this can be best acheived. Contact your lecturer if you have any questions.

A holistic, concise, original and informed report on the outlined tasks. Something an organisation could implement. use examples to describe ur point of view.

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