community assesment Research Paper.
This assignment is due on Sunday february 10, 2013 at 9am EST . I am giving this assignment because the previouse ttutor who did my last assignment did a very good job with formating the paper and if it is possible he should take on this assignment , and this will only be possible if he has knowledge on that topic . APA and in text citation is critical for that assignment just as in the last paper . II underline hear that if you know that you will not be able to handle this assignment please dont accept it just for the sake of trying to make money . If you guys dont have a competent tutor who has knowledge in this field of studies please let me know and i will take it to another writter. The requirement should be clearly followed as outline in the assignment and all specifications must be respected. Document Preview: Part A: Community Health Assessment (100 Pts) Overview: Students will engage in a project to complete a community health improvement analysis for a community county (Princeton County New Jersey) . Students will be expected to include specific aspects of community health improvement assessment and planning based upon NACCHOs MAPP model, as presented in the course content. Requirements: Each student will be responsible for submitting a community health assessment and plan for their selected community in two parts Assessment and Plan. These documents will be evaluated based on meeting specific content requirements of a community assessment plan (outlined below) and the quality of the documents. This also includes the proper use of APA format as applicable, proper use of citations and references. The report should be in APA style, double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font. Process: Students will identify a community in (Princeton County New Jersey) The completed Part A is due on Saturday February 10, 2013 At 6pm EST Note that QUALITY is better than QUANTITY. Very good, presentation and analysis of material with appropriate evidence on a few topic areas is better than cursory information on a multitude of topics. The components of the community health analysis and plan should model the NACCHO MAPP process as outlined . Students are free to incorporate other components from other models presented in class as long as a justification is provided for their inclusion. PART A: COMMUNITY HEALTH ANALYSIS COMPONENTS (11) pages Brief vision and value statements of: (1 page) a proposed 5 year vision statement and a key value statement (What is a key driving force that underpins all? e.g. equity, access, advocacy, return on investment, partnerships, etc) that guides the process and plan development. Community Description: (2 pages) A description of the following aspects of the community: General geographic location/boundaries (i.e. state, county, Attachments: Part-A-Commun.docx
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