
companies to invest

companies to invest

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Brief attached.

A197 DEL Intermediate English: Academic Writing for Business 2015


Write an essay of 600 words (+/-10%) on ONE of the following questions:

1. How important is it for companies to invest in employee training?

2. Discuss ways in which companies can improve employee motivation.

3. ‘Online retailing will lead to the death of the high street’. Does this statement accurately reflect the future of the retail trade?

The deadline for submission of this work is:
11.55pm 17 April 2015

Format of coursework

• Your coursework must be word-processed using Microsoft Word (make sure ‘proofing language’ is set to ‘English UK’).
• Please use a size 12 typefont and double-space your writing
• Provide the full question at the beginning of your essay
• Include a list of references at the end of your essay
• Do not write your name on the coursework; only include your student ID number.

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