
Comparative Politics Research Paper

Comparative Politics Research Paper

After carefully reading chapter 10 in Klesners Comparative Politics: An Introduction and after watching the presentation this week, describe the key concepts of Islamism (pp. 213223 in the Klesner textbook) and its current role in the world. In addition, after reading about the many types of Islam, including democratizing secularists, do you believe that it is likely or unlikely that the worlds leading Muslim countries can find ways to promote freedom and security with the requirements of democracy described in Klesners book, particularly the ten conditions of democracy described in Chapter 7? In other words, do you think Islam is fundamentally incompatible with democracy as was described in previous chapters like 7 and 10 in Klesners book? The ten conditions of democracy discussed in Klesners Comparative Politics: An Introduction are: Elites Committed to DemocracyState InstitutionsNational UnityNational WealthPrivate EnterpriseA Middle ClassSupport of the Disadvantaged for DemocracyCitizen Participation, Civil Society, and a Democratic Political CultureEducation and Freedom of InformationA Favorable International Environment

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