
Compare U.S. legislation to that of other countries (similarities and contrast) 5)

Compare U.S. legislation to that of other countries (similarities and contrast) 5)

My topic is discrimination against professional women who are mothers. I need to explain the following: 1) how employers are discrimination against women that are mothers 2) the law currently in place that help working mothers 3) come up with laws that can be implemented to reduce the discrimination against women 4) Compare U.S. legislation to that of other countries (similarities and contrast) 5) Statistic about women who are mothers feeling discriminated in the workplace 6)”Interviews to women about how they have been discriminated against because they were mothers.
The paper need to have at least 7 sources but AT LEAST 75 footnotes.

Compare U.S. legislation to that of other countries (similarities and contrast) 5)

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