
The complex process can often present challenges working with different staff professionals sharing their level of expertise related to client care

The complex process can often present challenges working with different staff professionals sharing their level of expertise related to client care

Respond to one peer, reflecting on the responses and summary that the learner provided. Provide at least one additional point of view for each peer to consider.

When working within the human services field in client care professional will work with a variety of disciplines within a team setting. The complex process can often present challenges working with different staff professionals sharing their level of expertise related to client care. Each professional presents their background information from their professional and how their role in the client’s overall care. In this discussion the case of Joseph is assessed during a treatment team meeting with Joseph’s teacher, the principal, psychologist , and case manager. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss Joseph’s suspension from school as a result of stating to several students that he was going to bring a gun to school. The treatment team is gathering to discuss if Joseph can return to school to finish the school year at Samuel Elementary. The treatment team meeting is facilitated by the case manager.

School Teacher

Joseph’s school teacher reports she has not had any behavioral issues with him this school year. She reports he does well academically and very nice and pleasant in the school. Mrs. Porter reports that Joseph has friends and students like to involve him in social play but he prefers to be by himself. Mrs. Porter shares that it was in her class that Joseph made the threats and several students heard it. Mrs. Porter denies hearing the statement but took precaution. Mrs. Porter’s concerns are safety for herself and the students of Samuel Elementary. Mrs. Porter believes that Joseph would do much better in different educational setting.

Dr. Manning-Psychologist

Dr. Manning is assigned as Joseph’s psychologist and a strong advocate for Joseph. Mr. Manning’s viewpoint is addressing the psychological concerns and developmental concerns. Dr. Manning believes based on Joseph’s background and history of serious neglect and inability at his level of development to effectively communicate that he was only acting out for attention. Dr. Manning reports the client does not have a history of violent behaviors and does not have access to a gun . Dr. Manning believes with supports in place and interventions which are consistent with working with him regulary that Joseph could successfully finish his school year at Samuel Elementary.

Principal Walker

Mr. Walker reports never having a behavioral issue with Joseph in fact this was the first time Joseph had ever been sent to his office. Mr. Walker reports when he asked Joseph about the incident he was honest that he said it but stated he just want to be with his mother. Mr. Walker feels concern for the student base upon all that he has endured but feels that there is no guarantee that he can ensure the children’s and teachers safety with Joseph in the school. Mr. Walker suggest Joseph finishes the school year in a different setting more equipped to deal with his behaviors

In working in this setting the treatment team meeting meet regularly depending on the severity of the client’s case to discuss the progress and action plan for the client. In this meeting each professional presented his or her professional summary and discussion is lead based around the updates provided. The best approach in such a setting would be to exhibit a level of respect, trust, active listening skills, and professional integrity (Meek & Newell, 2005).


Meek, J. W., & Newell, W. H. (2005). COMPLEXITY, INTERDISCIPLINARITY AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: IMPLICATIONS FOR INTEGRATING COMMUNITIES. Public Administration Quarterly, 29(3), 321-349. Retrieved fromhttp://search.proquest.com.library.capella.edu/docview/226982268?accountid=27965

Response/ Monica


respond to at least one peers as follows:

What reactions did you and your peer have in common?
Give two additional recommendations that your peer might consider when addressing some of the challenges of the collaborative process.

The collaborative meeting, this week brings several stakeholders from different disciplines together, on behalf of Joseph Lansing. Joseph, was removed from his foster care home and the most recent incident, involves discussion of Joseph with his classmates and his thoughts of bringing a gun to school. Joseph was removed from Mrs. Porter class, after her learning from the other students, the possibility of Joseph, bringing a gun to school. Through the collaborative process, it takes each stakeholder, listening to the views and input of each member of the team. The collaborative meeting, expressed various viewpoints of issues on what the next step should be and the plan of action moving forward for Joseph Lansing. Throughout this case study, Joseph communicated the best way he knew how; through expressing his intentions with his classmates. Communicating ideals and thoughts on behalf of the client/clients and working through the collaborative process on behalf of the client will help determine a great outlook for the client.


During the collaboration process there a different view points on how intervention should take place for the client. According to (Woodside & McClam, 2015), human services professionals have to be committed to seeking out diverse opinions, perspectives and ideas about a problem to be addressed. My thoughts, were in this case and the question asked always, “What is best for the client”. Keeping the client (Joseph) in Samuel Elementary and allowing him to finish the year, would be best decision from this learners’ perspective. Joseph, dealt with many circumstances, at an early age. Once the problem is accurately, identified and Joseph strengths determined, the next step him through the collaborator efforts of the team will be intervention.

The collaboration relationship among team members on Joseph’s behalf is one that requires great communication skills among the team. In order for, the dialogue to begin this week, different viewpoints were presented. According to (Woodside & McClam, 2015), each discipline brings a unique perspective to the understanding of the nature of the individual, families, and groups of people.


Through enlisting different viewpoints for her team, this will according to (Woodside, McClam, 2015), bring clarity and understanding of the overall problems (s). The integrated synthesis of viewpoints presented at the meeting is that intervention and support is needed for Joseph. Putting the client’s needs first is most pertinent throughout the helping process. My thoughts are, Dr. Manning, views represents my values to fight and advocate on behalf always for the client. Each discipline brings a unique perspective to the understanding of the nature of the individual, families, and groups of people, (Woodside & McClam, 2016). Throughout the helping process, the client needs, are always first, (p.126). Advocating, for the clients well-being and for social justice is a professional imperative, (Gladding & Newsome, 2014).


Woodside, M. R., & McClam, T. (2015). An introduction to human services (8th

ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781285749907.


Response/ Brenda

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