
computer fundamental and appl

computer fundamental and appl

Discussion-3: Microsoft vs. Google

Microsoft Office is a very popular application program. A similar program would be Google Drive/Docs. Google Docs, like Microsoft Office, offers word processing, spreadsheets, presentation graphics, and a few other tools. However Google Docs is free and offers storage space online also free. Compare and contrast the two programs, which one is better, which one do you like, why is Microsoft Office more popular, why Google is not charging any money like Microsoft, can people get Microsoft Office free, add any additional comments.

NOTE: After you post your answers to this discussion, you must provide feedback to two other students on their postings, to receive credit for this discussion.

Discussion 1


Microsoft Office vs. Google Docs


Top of Form

I have to say, Microsoft Office is probably one of the most, if not the most popular application program in my opinion. I remember when computers first started taking the world by storm, and I learned how to use Microsoft Office in elementary school in the 5th grade! I’ve also noticed that Microsoft Office is the preferred application program in the workplace as well. However, as lovable as Microsoft Office is, I have to say that I also adore Google Drive/Docs. I own a ChromeBook and I must say, I love how simple and easy it is to use. I’m not the most “tech-savvy” person in the world, but I caught on pretty quickly. I also love how all of my documents are saved automatically. As I type this, each and every character is being saved into my drive. Though, I must admit Microsoft Office lets you customize your documents a lot more. Yet, I like the minimalistic look of Google Docs, there are a lot less icons cluttering the ribbon.


When it comes down to it, I believe that when it comes to which application is better, it all depends on the consumer themselves. Let’s take an entrepreneur who works from home as an example. He or she will probably prefer Microsoft Office to create business cards, flyers, data spreadsheets, catalogs, brochures, presentations and whatever else their business may need. However, as a college student who has struggled using Microsoft Office in the past, I use Google Docs to write my essays and reports. I believe that Google may not be charging any money for the use of Google Docs because they don’t charge users to use their search engine. But Google also makes their money in other ways such as advertising. They also charge enterprises and companies for the use of their applications. I do know that some colleges offer Microsoft Office free of charge for their students. Overall, both application programs are very successful, but for my needs I believe that Google Docs is my preferred choice.



Discussion 2

I am familiar with the Microsoft Office programs. From using them in school, to having them as the default program on most of my computer devices through the years, I would say I am biased towards the Microsoft Office programs. I was reading some articles on Google Docs because I am not familiar with that program at all. I honestly didn’t think there was another program out there that could compete with Microsoft Office. From what I gathered from the article it says that Microsoft has a lot more features to play with, and that Google is a very simple system that needs to catch up with having the complex features that Microsoft provides. The article commented that, “if you have limited editing needs than you should have no problems using Google docs.” I believe that Microsoft Office is better, it has been around longer, and is widely known. Why I believe Microsoft is more popular is because most schools, companies, and computer programs offer it. When the issue of price comes up, I feel as though you get what you pay for. Microsoft Office can be expensive, but it also has a lot to offer. I have been able to complete every project, and assignment using the Microsoft programs. A way to receive Microsoft Office for free is if you are a student. That is how I received my subscription, and I couldn’t be more satisfied. It also works perfectly on my Mac, which is another argument on its own. I believe Google Docs is free due to having file limits. Once you start needing more space for your file is when it prompts you to pay for storage. So you may not being paying right away for the program, you will in time to account for all the storage you require. All in all, I believe that Microsoft Office will only prevail if they make it free, or cheaper because Google Docs is finding a way to catch up.Bottom of Form


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