
Consider: What Is Your Ethical Style?

Consider: What Is Your Ethical Style?

In the Gonzalez-Padron (2015), Chapter 5, read the paragraph on Distributive justice on page 159 and the block on pages 160 and 161 on Consider: What Is Your Ethical Style?

What other ethical traditions contributed to the decision to eliminate tobacco sales? All three types of ethical philosophies could guide CVS management in making the right decision. See Consider: What Is Your Ethical Style? in Chapter 5 of the textbook to discover which ethical tradition is most dominant for you or your coworkers. In addition to ethical philosophies, other individual factors may influence ethical decision making, possibly impeding the company from taking bold and courageous actions reflective of a responsible business. (Gonzalez-Padron, 2015, p. 159)

In your post, answer the question: What other ethical traditions contributed to the decision to eliminate tobacco sales?

In addition, answer the questions in Consider: What Is Your Ethical Style? Share your results and thoughts on this topic.

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