Copyright, OneSearch and Creative Commons
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In one MS Word document, answer the questions from each of the following three parts:
Part I: Copyright Basics
video by the Copyright Clearance Center.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is copyright?
2. Copyright is automatic when _____________.
3. Is a copyright symbol (c) required for a work to be protected under copyright?
4. What are three things not protected by copyright?
5. Logos and tag lines are not protected by copyright but may be protected by ___________.
6. What four factors are used to determine whether the use of a copyrighted work is allowed under “fair use”?
7. What is the first sale doctrine?
8. What is “attribution” as it pertains to copyright?
9. What is “public domain” as it pertains to copyright?
10. When in doubt, get _______ from the copyright holder.
11. Find a credible website (perhaps a .gov website) and briefly describe the difference between a patent, trademark and copyright.
Part II: ISU Library’s OneSearch tool and citing
Using the ISU Library’s OneSearch tool, perform the following search:
Boolean/Phrase: wearable technology
Limiters: Full Text, Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals, Available in Library Collection, Published between 2012 and 2014
Source Type: Academic Journals
Subject: Google Glass
Copy and paste the “Current Search” section on the left side of the screen into your MS Word document.
How would you cite (in a references section) the first search result in APA format?
(Hint: Use OneSearch to help you. If you weren’t in class, visit the OneSearch help link.)
Part III: Creative Commons:
Watch the Creative Commons video and review the content on the Creative Commons “about” web page.
Answer the following questions:
1. Briefly describe the purpose and benefits of the Creative Commons.
2. Briefly describe how Creative Commons help creators opt-out of copyright altogether?
3. What’s the direct link (URL) to the Creative Commons webpage that allows you to search for content to share, use and remix?
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