
Core of Policy Brief Research Paper

Core of Policy Brief Research Paper

The core of the policy brief, this 34-page segment introduces, explains, and defends your chosen policy solution. Your approach in this segment will depend on whether the chosen solution is an existing proposal in public debate, one of your own design, or a hybrid (i.e., you have modified an existing proposal). Discuss what you anticipate to be the advantages as well as disadvantages of the proposed policy, both in terms of the outcomes it produces as well as in terms of the implementation process. Refer to principles of argumentation as discussed in Smith (2013), Turabian (2015), and course presentations as you defend your proposal. Include in your defense a discussion of how your proposed solution reflects a Christian worldview. Research Tips: See Research Handout 1 Part A for sources on current issues, data and policy subfields.See Research Handout 1 Part B for help identifying scholarly and nonscholarly sources. At least 3 additional scholarly sources are required for this segment, and nonscholarly sources may be used sparingly. Tables and figures may be included as appropriate but will not count toward page count. Submission: This segment of the brief must include the title page, Problem Articulation statement, Legislative History, Policy Alternatives segment, Proposed Policy segment and Reference list. Follow Turabian style for all components (see Turabians Ch. 8, Presenting Evidence in Tables and Figures, and Appendix: Paper Format and Submission for guidelines and examples).

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