
Correlation and Regression with SPSS

Correlation and Regression with SPSS

Order Description

As you work through this SPSS exercise, consider the application of the correlation and regression analysis to your research topic.
To prepare for this Application:
? Review the assigned pages in Chapter 16 in the course text Research Methods in the Social Sciences.
? Review the video program for this week, located in the Learning Resources.
? Review Lessons 31 and 33 in the course text Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh: Analyzing and Understanding Data.
? Access the gss04student_corrected dataset in the Course Information area of the classroom to use for this Application
The assignment:
? Craft up to a one page double-spaced write up of the statistical results (include any additional pages needed for any APA tables or graphs and the SPSS syntax and output) in which you do the following:
o State the statistical assumptions for this test.
o Using the data set you have selected, choose two continuous or metric variables for which you would like to test a relationship.
o Develop the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.
o Use SPSS to calculate a correlation coefficient and a simple linear regression. You can decide which should be the independent (predictor) variable and which should be the dependent (criterion) variable.
o Decide whether to reject or retain the null hypothesis.
o Generate a scatterplot to visually assess the relationship between two variables.
o Generate syntax and output files in SPSS. You will need to copy and paste these into your Application document.
o Based on your SPSS analysis, report the results using correct APA format. Your report should include the following:


Required Resources
This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week’s assigned Learning Resources. To access select media resources, please select the links below.
•    Course Text: Research Methods in the Social Sciences

o    Chapter 16, “Bivariate Analysis”
?    Interval Measures of Relationship (pp. 374–382)

?    Prediction Rules
?    Linear Regression
?    Criterion of Least Squares
?    Errors of Prediction
?    Pearson’s Product–Moment Correlation Coefficient (r)

These specific pages in Chapter 16 present the purpose, rules, and methods for prediction using the interval measures of relationship and will be used in this week’s Application.
•    Course Text: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

o    Chapter 5, “Displaying Results”

Chapter 5 presents the purposes of displaying data and provides guidance on designing and preparing data displays to communicate information effectively. This chapter is a useful resource for crafting your Application and Final Project.
•    Course Text: Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh: Analyzing and Understanding Data

o    Lesson 31, “Pearson Product–Moment Correlation Coefficient”
o    Lesson 33, “Bivariate Linear Regression”

Lessons 31 and 33 use SPSS to put the concepts of Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient and bivariate linear regression into practice. These lessons will be used in this week’s Application.

Data Sets and SPSS Files
•    Select one of the data sets from the GSS data disk that came with the course text Research Methods in the Social Sciences. You will use this for this week’s Application.
•    Sample data files to accompany Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh: Analyzing and Understanding Data

o    Lesson 31 Data File 1
o    Lesson 33 Data File 1

These are the files you will need to complete the lesson activities. These activities are encouraged but not required for the Application.
•    Media:

o    Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009c). Correlation and introduction to regression. Baltimore: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 24 minutes.

In this segment, Dr. Jennifer Ann Morrow defines the key concepts of correlation, specifically the Pearson correlation. She also conducts a brief overview of regression and discusses the research contexts salient to both correlation and regression. In addition, Dr. Morrow provides examples of research questions that each statistic can address. This video is used in this week’s Application.
Accessible player
•    Software: SPSS

Research Toolkit
•    Course Text: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

o    Chapter 3, “Writing Clearly and Concisely”
o    Chapter 4, “The Mechanics of Style”
o    Chapter 6, “Crediting Sources”
o    Chapter 7, “Reference Examples”

Statistics and SPSS

•    Web Site: SPSS Student Resource Center

The student section of the SPSS Academic Resource Center is your one-stop shop for all your statistics and data-mining needs, including tutorials, reading lists, and training courses.
•    Web Site: SPSS Technical Support

The SPSS student support site provides a knowledge base and assistance from SPSS Technical Support staff.
•    Web Site: Web Center for Social Research Methods

This Web site is for people involved in applied social research and evaluation. You’ll find lots of resources and links to other locations on the Web that deal in applied social research methods.
•    Web Site: Choosing the Correct Statistical Test in SAS, Stata and SPSS

UCLA’s Academic Technology Services statistics table shows general guidelines for choosing a statistical analysis, and links showing how to do such tests using SAS, Stata, and SPSS.


Application 1
Correlation and Regression with SPSS
As you work through this SPSS exercise, consider the application of the correlation and regression analysis to your research topic.
To prepare for this Application:
•    Review the assigned pages in Chapter 16 in the course text Research Methods in the Social Sciences.
•    Review the video program for this week, located in the Learning Resources.
•    Review Lessons 31 and 33 in the course text Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh: Analyzing and Understanding Data.
•    Access the gss04student_corrected dataset in the Course Information area of the classroom to use for this Application
The assignment:
•    Craft up to a one page double-spaced write up of the statistical results (include any additional pages needed for any APA tables or graphs and the SPSS syntax and output) in which you do the following:

o    State the statistical assumptions for this test.
o    Using the data set you have selected, choose two continuous or metric variables for which you would like to test a relationship.
o    Develop the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.
o    Use SPSS to calculate a correlation coefficient and a simple linear regression. You can decide which should be the independent (predictor) variable and which should be the dependent (criterion) variable.
o    Decide whether to reject or retain the null hypothesis.
o    Generate a scatterplot to visually assess the relationship between two variables.
o    Generate syntax and output files in SPSS. You will need to copy and paste these into your Application document.
o    Based on your SPSS analysis, report the results using correct APA format. Your report should include the following:
?    SPSS syntax and output files

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