
Couns 611- Study guides 7 & 8

Couns 611- Study guides 7 & 8

Is there anyone able to complete these study guides by tonight, or no later than by 12p (lunch time, tomorrow)???


Quiz 7 Study Guide


  1. Play therapists choose play therapy techniques to:
    1. Distract the child from distress
    2. Allow the child to express what is troubling
    3. Avoid creating a structured environment
    4. Investigate the viability of the toy media


  1. The goals of play therapy are which of these?
    1. Symptom reduction
    2. Enhanced development
    3. Provocative expression
    4. Both A & B


  1. Abreaction allows children:
    1. to symbolically relive and gain mastery over negative experiences
    2. to practice new behaviors and gain empathy
    3. to release strong emotions
    4. to problem solve


  1. Catharsis allows children:
    1. to symbolically relive and gain mastery over negative experiences
    2. to practice new behaviors and gain empathy
    3. to release strong emotions
    4. to problem solve


  1. One possible cultural conflict with play therapy is the:
    1. Similarity of play across cultures may lead to generalizations
    2. Expression of strong feelings may not be culturally acceptable
    3. Problem solving may not be possible because of stereotypes
    4. Children may be unfamiliar with the play media


  1. According to Kottman, one way to gauge whether children are appropriate for play therapy is to:
    1. Complete a Global Assessment of Functioning
    2. Conduct a Mental Status Examination
    3. Ask the child whether he would rather talk or play with toys
    4. Ask the parent if the child would be willing to play


  1. Which of the following is one of the stages of play therapy according to Orton?
    1. Re-orientation
    2. Redirection
    3. Resistance
    4. Release


  1. In prescriptive play therapy the counselor:
    1. Prescribes medication
    2. Refers the child to a medical professional
    3. Matches the treatment to the child’s problem
    4. Uses an established protocol


  1. The ultimate goal of ecosystemic play therapy is to:
    1. Change beliefs that are causing problems
    2. Change the systems in which the child exists
    3. Teach parents to play with children
    4. Change the beliefs of the adults that work with the child


  1. Using generic toys allows:
    1. Well-known character plots
    2. Open interpretations
    3. More sanitary conditions
    4. Less expensive options


  1. The goal of theraplay is to:
    1. Foster attachments
    2. Create catharsis
    3. Model structure
    4. Problem-solve


  1. Effective play therapy is likely to:
    1. Be long-term
    2. Be short-term
    3. Include several forms of play media
    4. Involve parents


  1. One criteria for assessing the effectiveness of play therapy is:
    1. The number of sessions
    2. The child seems to be more confident
    3. The parents continue to pay
    4. The GAF increases


  1. Using the child’s metaphor:
    1. Allows the counselor’s interpretation of the story to be included
    2. Limits the counselor’s interpretations of the story
    3. Avoids the counselor’s interpretations of the story
    4. Make the child inpatient


  1. Which of the following is not among the 14 therapeutic powers of play that Schaefer identified?
    1. Creative thinking
    2. Relationship enhancement
    3. Mastering developmental fears
    4. Overcoming inappropriate attachments


  1. In an effort to understand the home environment of multicultural populations, the text

suggests that the counselor discuss with the parents their values on the two opposing values of  individualism and:

  1. none of the above.


  1. Which of the following was suggested in the text for group play therapy?
    1. Members should be within a 5-year age span of each other.
    2. No more than 10 children should be included in a group with 2 adults.
    3. Boys and girls should rarely be included in the same group.
    4. Up to 8 children may be included in a group with 1 adult.


  1. In Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), the counselor:
    1. Coaches parents on their interactions with children
    2. May be behind a one-way mirror
    3. Does not teach or encourage practice sessions
    4. Conducts on-going assessments of treatment progress


  1. According to Kottman, play therapy would not be the treatment of choice for children:
    1. of divorce.
    2. with chronic or terminal illness.
    3. with severe conduct disorder.
    4. with dissociative disorder.


  1. Because children often believe they are invisible when they put on sunglasses, Gil recommended the use of sunglasses in her work with _____ children.
    1. disabled
    2. abused
    3. immature
    4. adopted


  1. Cattanach suggested that children exhibit sensory play, projective play, and ________ play and that the each of these is present in the most satisfactory play.
    1. dramatic
    2. sympathetic
    3. enthusiastic
    4. introjective


  1. Play media should be chosen on which of the following criteria?
    1. encouraging the child’s expression
    2. facilitating the relationship
    3. helping the counselor gain insight into the child’s world
    4. all of the above



  1. Selection criteria for puppets include which of the following?
    1. universal symbolism
    2. firm and rigid construction
    3. low cost so that they are disposable
    4. ease of manipulation


  1. In which of the following ways can play therapy be useful to therapists?
    1. highlighting maladaptive behavior
    2. intensifying tensions and anxieties
    3. building resistance to past emotional experiences
    4. promoting specific adaptive behaviors


  1. When selecting materials for the playroom, counselors should consider which of the following?
    1. competitive value
    2. exploratory nature
    3. artistic expertise of counselor
    4. ability to display products of play


  1. Strategies for choosing a play therapy method depend on:
    1. the artistic ability of the counselor.
    2. the artistic ability of the child.
    3. the stage of the counseling process.
    4. the age of the child.


  1. With finger painting, playhouses, and sand play, the counselor may proceed by asking the child:
    1. why certain choices were made.
    2. to tell the story of the creation.
    3. how to make something similar.
    4. to interpret the creation.


  1. One of the counseling skills used in play therapy is tracking, which means:
    1. the child tells what comes next
    2. the counselor states what will happen next
    3. the parent explains the process to the child
    4. the counselor describes what the child is doing


  1. In play therapy the counselors reflect children’s feeling in order to:
    1. return responsibility to the child
    2. deepen the relationship
    3. describe what is going to happen
    4. explain what the parent wants


  1. Which of the following is an example of words a counselor could use to allow the child to take action?
  2. “Stay inside the sandbox.”
  3. “We won’t use the computer today.”
  4. “I think you know how to set that game up.”
  5. “We have only five minutes left.”


  1. As group members show understanding for each other, they increase their:
    1. Trust
    2. Tolerance
    3. Support
    4. All of the above


  1. One assumption on which group work is based is that:
    1. Social behavior is learned
    2. Everyone needs to be involved
    3. Group leaders must be directive
    4. Screening is not necessary for any types of groups


  1. Psychoeducational groups:
  2. have counseling goals
  3. focus on skill development
  4. focus on personality change
  5. focus on completing a task


  1. One of the goals of counseling groups is:
    1. Learning study skills
    2. Finding the causes of behavioral problems
    3. Helping members develop interpersonal skills
    4. Teaching time management


  1. Group therapy deals with:
    1. Social skills
    2. Unconscious motivations
    3. Time management
    4. Education


  1. Blocking refers to the group leader:
    1. Making members take turns
    2. Intervening in counterproductive behavior
    3. Not admitting a new member into an on-going group
    4. Moving the group in a desired direction


  1. Which of the following is necessary for running effective groups?
    1. Planning
    2. Performing
    3. Processing
    4. All of the above


  1. Remedial groups concentrate on:
    1. Problems faced by most students
    2. Personal problems
    3. Avoiding difficulties
    4. Unconscious motivations


  1. Support groups concentrate on:
    1. Problems faced by most students
    2. Personal problems
    3. Avoiding difficulties
    4. Unconscious motivations


  1. Preventioin groups concentrate on:
    1. Problems faced by most students
    2. Personal problems
    3. Avoiding difficulties
    4. Unconscious motivations


  1. The type and functioning of a group is determined primarily by its:
    1. members’ interests


  1. Schools are considered to be in a strategic position for group work because children and families often feel there is less ______________ associated with school-based than community-based services.
    1. stigma
    2. privacy violation
    3. “red tape”
    4. parental blame


  1. Of the following theoretical orientations, the one that emphasizes each group member’s early history is:


  1. ____________ therapists commonly believe that groups can be beneficial in helping children and adolescents meet their psychological needs that they define as belonging, power, freedom, and fun.
    1. REBT
    2. Reality
    3. Gestalt
    4. Adlerian


  1. All of the following are among the 16 skills identified by the Association for Specialists in Group Work as skills used by effective group leaders except:
    1. engaging in appropriate self-disclosure.
    2. confronting group members’ behavior.
    3. observing and identifying group process.
    4. facilitating catharsis for each member.


  1. It is recommended that counselors consider designing groups for children and young adolescent to be more ____________ than for older participants.
    1. action-oriented
    2. problem-centered
    3. remedial
    4. topic centered


  1. An important reason for screening interviews is that they allow the counselor the opportunity to:
    1. talk privately with prospective members.
    2. decide if the child would benefit from a group.
    3. define some possible goals for members.
    4. all of the above


  1. According to your textbook which of the following should not be included in a heterogeneous group?
    1. a withdrawn child
    2. an underachiever
    3. attention-seeking child
    4. sexually abused child


  1. Some theorists believe that anyone who wishes to participate in a group should be able to do so.  Most notable among these theorists are the:
    1. reality therapists.


  1. Which of the following children might profit more from individual counseling rather than group?
    1. an extremely dominating child
    2. an underachieving child
    3. a child whose family is going through a divorce
    4. a “newcomer” to the school


  1. The ideal size for a group of children 10-12 years is usually considered to be:
    1. 2-3 members.
    2. 3-4 members.
    3. 5-6 members.
    4. 8-10 members.


  1. Group counseling with children usually lasts about:
    1. 30 minutes.
    2. one hour.
    3. 1 ½ hour.
    4. 50 minutes.


  1. An informative statement about forming a group describes the counseling process and will include a statement about:
    1. what will be expected of participants.
    2. each of the counseling techniques to be used.
    3. the outcomes expected for each member.
    4. all the above



  1. Groups begin to function effectively and move toward accomplishing goals during the:
    1. initial stage.
    2. transition stage.
    3. working stage.
    4. consolidation stage.


  1. Members are tentative and reserved during what stage of the group process?
    1. initial stage
    2. transition stage
    3. working stage
    4. consolidation stage


  1. If no one in the group begins to talk about a concern or problem, the leader may want to:
    1. dismiss the group until another day.
    2. self-disclose about one of his or her concerns.
    3. sit in silence until someone speaks.
    4. suggest to the members that one of them may want to bring up a concern discussed during the screening interview.


  1. According to Corey, group cohesiveness grows during the:
    1. initial stage.
    2. transition stage.
    3. working stage.
    4. consolidation stage.


  1. Evaluating group processes may be done by:
    1. determining if goals have been met.
    2. having feedback during the last session.
    3. asking participants to respond to incomplete statements about the group.
    4. all of the above


  1. Group crisis intervention may be appropriate for:
    1. children who are displaying impaired functioning.
    2. children who have physical symptoms.
    3. children who are experiencing grief.
    4. all of the above


  1. Which of the following are not group prevention processes?
    1. self-concept development
    2. peer relationships
    3. personality change
    4. academic achievement


  1. Some procedures included in crisis counseling which are not ordinarily a part of group counseling include:
    1. running the group for two hours
    2. taking care of all needs before the group starts so that no one leaves.
    3. focusing on what happened and what you are experiencing now
    4. all of the above


  1. Children may need coping with feelings of __________ following a catastrophe.
    1. fear and helplessness
    2. insecurity and loss
    3. worry and shock
    4. all of the above


  1. A counselor conducting group crisis counseling may protect and ensure the safety of a member by: (622)
    1. calling in the children’s parents and telling them what transpired.
    2. calling in the teachers and telling them what transpired.
    3. recommending that the school system close until feelings about the catastrophe have lessened.
    4. developing action plans for those in need and following up with another meeting. ***


  1. Which of the following are three types of classroom meetings?
    1. screening, working, evaluating
    2. psycho-educational, growth, remedial
    3. educational-diagnostic, social-problem-solving, open-ended
    4. transition, working, consolidating

Quiz 8 Study Guide


  1. The federal law relative to child abuse is:
    1. CAPTA
    2. FERPA
    3. NCLB
    4. FABTA


  1. A condition that would lead to the charge of child abandonment is:
    1. The parent’s identity is unknown
    2. The child has failed to provide reasonable support over time
    3. The child is left in dangerous circumstances
    4. All of the above


  1. Research on maltreating parents indicates they are:
    1. Unrepentant
    2. Likely to use harsh punishment
    3. Older mothers
    4. Stepparents


  1. Counselors need to help children of alcoholic parents understand:
    1. They cannot love their parent until the substance abuse stops
    2. They can love their parent and accept their behavior
    3. They can love their parent and not like their behavior
    4. They will probably become alcoholics


  1. One of the treatment goals for children of alcoholic families is:
    1. Reduce children’s isolation
    2. Provide accurate information about chemical dependency
    3. Provide support
    4. All of the above


  1. A compentency for health care providers who work with children from alcoholic families is:
    1. A knowledge of symptoms
    2. Routine screening
    3. Ability to offer support
    4. All of the above


  1. Irreversibility refers to the understanding that:
    1. Death is a permanent condition
    2. Death cannot be undone
    3. Death is unavoidable
    4. Understanding some things happen over which you have no control


  1. Finality refers to the understanding that:
    1. Death is a permanent condition
    2. Death cannot be undone
    3. Death is unavoidable
    4. Understanding some things happen over which you have no control


  1. Inevitability refers to the understanding that:
    1. Death is a permanent condition
    2. Death cannot be undone
    3. Death is unavoidable
    4. Understanding some things happen over which you have no control


  1. Crisis depression is:
    1. A reaction to a specific external event
    2. A persistent feeling of sadness
    3. Extreme psychological impairment
    4. Response to setbacks


  1. Clinical depression is:
    1. A reaction to a specific external event
    2. A persistent feeling of sadness
    3. Extreme psychological impairment
    4. Response to setbacks


  1. One component of the ACTION program is:
    1. Always call your parent
    2. Catch the positive
    3. Identify the person involved
    4. Negative thoughts need to be reframed.


  1. An important guidelines in working with children who are suicidal is:
    1. Do not debate whether suicide is right or wrong
    2. Do not call parents until absolutely necessary
    3. Do not ask others for help
    4. Do not take every threat seriously.


  1. Child maltreatment refers to:
    1. physical abuse.
    2. sexual abuse.
    3. psychological abuse.
    4. all of the above and more.


  1. Which of the following are not included in the alcoholic family’s “unspoken rules” that were listed in the text?
    1. Do have fun.
    2. Don’t feel.
    3. Don’t blame chemical dependency.
    4. Do be better and more responsible.


  1. The CAST and the CASTD are:
    1. measurement instruments for use in counseling with children of substance abuse.
    2. screening instruments for identifying children who are substance abusers.
    3. classroom guidance lessons designed to help abused children cope.
    4. group counseling materials for use with alcoholic families.


  1. Among the common factors of adolescents who display antisocial behavior are
    1. surprisingly, members of intact families.
    2. notably below average in intelligence.
    3. from upper class families
    4. weak social connections


  1. Later research by Wallerstein suggests that it is possible that a multitude of factors will influence the effect of divorce on children but did not include:
    1. the amount of tension and conflict in the home.
    2. which parent is awarded custody.
    3. the parents’ reaction to the divorce.
    4. the parents’ personal adjustment to the divorce.


  1. The most critical factor in helping children through divorce is:
    1. parental support.
    2. keeping them in familiar surroundings.
    3. providing structure and consistent discipline.
    4. supportive counseling with someone to whom they can release their feelings.


  1. Which of the following is not a “psychological task” children of divorce must resolve?
    1. acknowledging the reality of the marital rupture.
    2. resolution of loss.
    3. resolving anger and self blame.
    4. making a decision about the custodial parent.


  1. Children of divorce do which of the following?
    1. blame their parents for being selfish
    2. blame themselves for the breakup
    3. feel intense anger at one or both parents
    4. all of the above


  1. Adolescents who have been through a parental divorce:
    1. must learn to take a chance on love.
    2. can resolve the issues associated with the crisis more rapidly than very young children.
    3. do not experience the feelings of being unlovable and unworthy as intensely as young children.
    4. do not blame themselves for the divorce as young children do.


  1. Which is not true of blended families?
    1. Expectations and relationships are more ambiguous.
    2. Social guidelines are not clear.
    3. Home schedules and guidelines may change.
    4. Modes of interaction remain the same as pre-divorce.



  1. Adults can help children with grieving over the death of a loved one by:
    1. gently diverting the child’s questions to more pleasant topics.
    2. protecting the children from seeing their own adult grief.
    3. telling children that death is God’s will.
    4. encouraging children to talk about their feelings.


  1. Children have trouble understanding death because:
    1. of their cognitive level.
    2. it occurs so seldom in their lives.
    3. adults protect them from facing death.
    4. of the portrayal of death on television.


  1. Kubler-Ross has defined the stages most families go through in facing death as:
    1. denial, resistance, bargaining, and acceptance.
    2. denial, anger, bargaining, reality, and acceptance.
    3. denial, bargaining, reality, resistance, and acceptance.
    4. denial, bargaining, acceptance, reality, and anger.


  1. Whether or not a child should attend the funeral of a loved one is dependent on the child’s:
    1. wish to attend or not to attend.
    2. age and cognitive development.
    3. acceptance of the death.
    4. age, kinship to deceased, and reactions to death.



  1. If you suspect a child has suicidal tendencies, you should:
    1. ignore your suspicions until you have additional indicators – a cluster of symptoms.
    2. find ways to confirm your suspicions without mentioning suicide in order to avoid suggesting the idea to the child.
    3. confront the child with your thoughts and feelings immediately.
    4. ask the parents if they have noticed indications of depression.



  1. Reviews of conflict resolution programs have found which of the following results?
    1. higher incidents of referrals to principals
    2. fewer classroom meetings.
    3. disruptions in the daily schedule.
    4. high student academic performance.


  1. Students are eligible under 504 when they:
    1. Have impairments that substantially limit them
    2. Met the criteria of what is a spectrum of exceptionalities
    3. Are between birth and 3 years old
    4. Are educationally able


  1. IEP stands for:
    1. Initial educational plan
    2. Individual evaluation plan
    3. Individual education plan
    4. Individual education progress


  1. Some concerns that may come up in counseling children with disabilities are:
    1. Self-other conflict
    2. Career counseleing
    3. Maladaptive behavior
    4. All of the above


  1. Which group of children with disabilities has the least favorable outcome?
    1. Those with learning disabilities
    2. Those with emotional disturbances
    3. Those with physical disabilities
    4. Those with ADHD


  1. Dyscalculia refers to:
    1. problems with arithmetic and math concepts
    2. problems with reading
    3. problems with illegibility
    4. problem with motor coordination


  1. One component of effective training programs for parents is:
    1. Unstructured sessions
    2. Small group presentations
    3. Requiring parents to practice
    4. No more than six meetings



  1. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act is:
    1. a rehabilitation act.
    2. a result of  Franklin Roosevelt’s disability
    3. Section 504
    4. PL 94-142


  1. A person with handicaps is not limited as much by the disability as by:
    1. his or her attitude toward the condition.
    2. society’s attitude toward the condition.
    3. how the parents handle their reactions.
    4. the degree of severity of the conditions.



  1. Criticisms of categorical special education include all except:
    1. the children may be stigmatized.
    2. the processes required to categorize make it more difficult to obtain services.
    3. the child may be encouraged to exhibit the behaviors characteristic of the label
    4. the categories may prevent a child from developing in a healthy manner


  1. In IDEA,children with disabilities refers to young people who have:
    1. Parents who will lobby for services
    2. Permanent or temporary disabilities that interfere with their education
    3. Communicable diseases.
    4. Enhanced sensory perceptions


  1. The definition of “mental disability” includes sub average general intellectual functioning and which of the following?
    1. reduced rate of learning
    2. deficits in adaptive behavior
    3. adverse effects on educational performance
    4. all of the above


  1. A counselor’s interventions for children who have special needs:
    1. do not involve the family or teacher in any interventions.
    2. ignore the disability
    3. refer them to a specially trained counselor if at all possible
    4. are knowledgeable of the needs and characteristics of these children


  1. Which of the following are not symptoms of emotional disturbances according to the Office of Special Education Programs?
    1. inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors.
    2. disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes of language.
    3. difficulty developing and maintaining relationships.
    4. demonstrating inappropriate responses to normal circumstances.


  1. Which of the following is not a symptom of mild-moderate emotional disturbance problems?
    1. hyperactivity
    2. withdrawal
    3. fighting
    4. autism


  1. Among the conditions excluded from definitions of learning disabilities is:
    1. environmental disadvantage.
    2. brain injury.
    3. imperfect ability to do math.
    4. developmental aphasia.


  1. Most definitions of learning disabilities contain references to all of the following except:
    1. neurological functioning.
    2. uneven growth patterns.
    3. below average intelligence.
    4. academic and learning difficulties.


  1. Criteria for learning disabilities include all of the following except:
    1. neurological causes.
    2. psychological processes.
    3. difficulty in using spoken or written language
    4. societal conditions.



  1. Overarousal, impulsivity, blurting out, interrupting, losing things, and engaging in dangerous activities may be symptoms of:
    1. learning disabilities.
    2. attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
    3. emotional disorder/behavior disorder.
    4. educable mental retardation.



  1. A child with a physical disability has feelings about self that stem from:
    1. how he or she is treated by others
    2. the child’s age at the time of occurrence
    3. the severity of the condition
    4. all of the above


  1. Three types of ADHD are which of the following:
    1. predominately active type, predominately inactive type, combined type
    2. predominately inattentive type, predominately hyperactive/impulsive type, combined type
    3. predominately impulsive type, predominately attentive type, combined type.
    4. unclassified attentive type, classified impulsive type, combinations




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