
Criminal Justice Worksheet

Criminal Justice Worksheet

University of Phoenix Material


Week Four Worksheet


Match the Definitions on the left to the correct Terms on the right by entering the correct corresponding alphabetical letter next to the numbers in the first column. Not all terms will be used.


Definitions Terms
Engaging in sexual activities for something of value A.    Disorderly conductB.    Breach of peace

C.    Loitering

D.    Treason

E.    Perjury

F.    Contempt

G.    Obscenity

H.    Prostitution

I.      Exploitation

J.     Illegal entry into the US

K.    Terrorism

L.     Sedition

M.   Delirium tremens

N.    USA Patriot Act

O.    Unlawful assembly

P.    Confiscation

Q.    Habeas corpus

Specific, purposeful, and unlawful behavior that causes public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm
An overt act that is an attempt to overthrow the government
Deliberate conduct calculated to obstruct or embarrass a court of law or a judicial officer
Defendant is not a U.S. citizen and is found in or enters the United States
A public offense done by violence, or a disturbance of public order or tranquility
A communication or agreement intended to defame the government or to incite treason
A gathering of three or more people for the purpose of committing an unlawful act or a lawful act in a violent, boisterous, or tumultuous manner
The act of delaying, lingering, or idling about without a lawful reason for being present
A writ used by prisoners to challenge the nature and length of their confinement
Offensive photos, movies, or other works that are often sexual in content that are judge immoral by community standards
A violent act dangerous to human life, intended to intimidate or coerce a government or civilian population, in furtherance of a political or social objective
The willful giving of false testimony under oath in a judicial proceeding
Provides expanded law enforcement authority to assist the federal government’s ability to deter terrorism





  1. How do your state’s laws differentiate between obscenity and lewdness? Include references.



  1. How is prostitution defined in your state? Select a state where prostitution is illegal, if it is legal in your state. What is the punishment for prostitutes in that state? What is the punishment for the clients of prostitutes? What is the punishment for those who hire prostitutes? Include references.




  1. What anti-drug laws include asset forfeiture in your state? Include references.





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