Critique Article Elements
Week 3 Critique: Ethics, Research problem and Review of Literature Elements
Think about what elements are for either a qualitative or quantitative article – how do you know which one this article is? What are the qualities that would cause you to categorize it?
Can you tell if there was IRB approval?
How were patients consented? Can you imagine any issues that might have occurred with obtaining consent?
Discuss your thoughts on the research trial and the 3 principles of:
Beneficence ( risk – benefit ratio?)
Justice (Vulnerable populations? )
Respect for Persons (Any evidence of coercion?)
Is it evident that the benefits of the study outweighed the risks?
What other potential ethical issues can you determine?
Research Problem
What is the research problem? Did they convince you of the need for studying this problem?
Is the hypothesis directional? How else can you describe it?
What are the variables under study – which are independent/ dependent?
Name some extraneous variables
List at least 1 conceptual and matching operational definition? Are they really Measurable as described in the article?
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