Critique of a micro teaching session
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Critique of a micro teaching session
Watch that Video and Critique it
The video is (Norm Life be in it)
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For the purpose of this assessment you will need to use the framework to identify if this advertisement is relevant for the health needs for 2015.
Using the framework identified by Bradshaw (1972) Typology of Needs you are required to critique and review the selected advertisement to identify the following:
1. Felt need (Was this a community need? This is normally identified by questioning members of the public to identify what people say they need or require
2. Expressed need (what is demonstrated by peoples use of services or demands for more services)
3. Normative need (determined by experts based on research and professional opinion: what does the literature say)
4. Comparative need (compare one geographical area to another: compare like Sydney to Melbourne, Albury and Bendigo) Similar demographics and differing services
Bradshaw (1972) suggests there are four dimensions or different types of need.
It is important to tap into each type of need to increase the chance of constructing a comprehensive picture of community problems.
1. Normative Need Normative need refers to what expert opinion based on research defines as need. For example, the National Health and Medical Research Council recommends all children aged 12 – 15 months be vaccinated against measles. This indicates a health need, if data indicates that many children are not immunised.
2. Expressed Need Expressed need refers to what can be inferred about the health need of a community by observation of the community’s use of services. (e.g. demand for a new service, long waiting lists). Expressed need can however be misinterpreted. A need may exist but because there is no service in place to meet it, the expressed need may not be identified. Furthermore, long waiting lists at a health service may be the result of inefficiency and not about the size of the group wanting to be treated.
3. Comparative Need Comparative need is derived from examining the services provided in one area to one population and using this information as the basis to determine the sort of services required in another area with a similar population. When assessing comparative need the level of service provision in the reference area must be appropriate in the first place. Be cautious that data collected may in fact be due to over-servicing or under-servicing by service providers rather than an indication of true need for the service by health consumers.
4. Felt Need Felt need is what people in your community say they want or feel they need. Common methods of assessing felt needs are household opinion surveys, phone-ins, public meetings and calling for submissions from those in the community. When determining felt needs, there are three things to note: • People have a tendency to express needs in terms of a solution eg. More nursing home beds. • People may be representing themselves or others. • The level of expectation in relation to services may influence felt need. (Source: Hawe, Degeling & Hall, 1990 / ACT Health Promotion 2009.
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